Chapter 27 - Time Passes

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I shivered in the cool night air.

The Golden Serpent was only gone for a few hours, so I had some time to savour the comfort of the darkness.

I could not sleep. In fact, I hadn't slept properly for weeks.

I was bright and cheerful during the day. I played with the boys, helped Safina to try and stand up, sewed in the evenings and sold the end products during the mornings and afternoon. I talked cheerfully to all my customers, spent time with Amira,   talked fashion with Lady Túrien whenever she came calling, wrote letters to Miarka and Grandmother in Harmindon and read the replies with a nostalgic smile.

Malbeth and I had tried to keep up our tradition of meeting up at our well early in the mornings, before his shift started, but it was different. For some reason, we didn't talk as we used to - for some reason, something had changed between us. Maybe he regretted his actions the day we'd met in Minas Ithil, maybe he was disappointed I hadn't responded.... but over the course of several weeks, we drifted apart. We saw each other during the day, of course, looking away quickly if our eyes ever happened to meet in the brightly lit, busy street - and yet our well grew more and more neglected.

Something was preying on my mind, though. Something to do with the Easterlings that had kidnapped Princess Almárëa.... I thought a lot when I was alone, and never came to any conclusion - but there was always a little worry in the back of my mind.

This particular night, I didn't even try to sleep. I knew I couldn't anyway, so I'd crept out of the house and made my way to the familiar well in the Court of Tarondor.

I knew by now the best way to sit without having to shift about in discomfort for a few minutes before settling down. I looked about me - how different everything looked in the shadows, cast by the pale light of the moon. Everything was so quiet - I could just about hear the sleepy snorting of horses in their stables a few streets away. Other than that - silence.

"There is a curfew, you know."

I jumped, heart pounding wildly.

"Oh, it's only you."

"May I sit down?"

"I'll leave it to your conscience. It is a public well, so do as you please for all I care. Then again you are on duty, and Captain Ohtar will give you a scolding and a half if he finds you skiving off."

Malbeth huffed, which might have been a suppressed laugh. "Don't ever change, Jeddah," he said softly.

"Change? What do you mean?"

"I don't think I can explain." I didn't look as he sat down beside me. "Why are you so cold? You practically ignore me these days. What have I done to offend you?"

I opened my mouth to argue -

- and closed it again, overcome with shame. The more I thought about it, the more I realised he was right. It hadn't just been gradual separation, it was I alone who had drifted away. He didn't press me, but made to get up - and I held out a hand, forcing him back down.

"I had to.... come to conclusions. Make decisions. And -" I laughed, with a rather hysterical note "- I don't even know what I had to decide. Malbeth - please, please believe me - I had no intention to hurt you. I had a lot to think about."

After a moment's silence, Malbeth sat down again.

"Malbeth - I need to know this - please tell me what happened the night Princess Almárëa was kidnapped."

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