Chapter Two: Girls

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Me and Johnny made it just in time to the drive-in, only to find Dallas bothering some girls. I didn't really notice who they were or what they looked like, but I did know that the red-head was really uncomfortable. I didn't know what to say because we're talking about Dallas here. He'd clobber my head in the first chance he got. Luckily Johnny, of all people, pretty much told him to buzz off, and to everyone's surprise, he did. That's when the red-head told us to sit with her and her friend who she called Marcia.

I was hesitant for multiple reasons, first one being that they were Socs and we were Greasers. But the other one wasn't as obvious. You see, I was sitting next to Johnny and, well, I wanted to keep sitting next to him. I wasn't sure why, but I did. I looked at Johnny with a questioning look on my face. He shrugged. I took that as "Eh, why the hell not?", so I climbed over the seats to the Socs. Johnny did the same.

The red-head introduced herself as Sherri, but she said her friends call her Cherry because of her hair. I thought that was dumb, but I think I was just annoyed that Johnny was three seats away from me. She made me get snacks at the concession stand with her.

Since not a whole lot of people will listen to me, when I start talking it's like I can't stop. That's what happened with Sherri. At first she asked about Sodapop, and man when I talk about him it gets me going. Not because he gets on my nerves or anything, far from it actually. Other than Johnny, he's the one I can talk to, so I guess that makes it easy to talk about him. Then I started talking about the time Johnny got jumped, which no one ever talks about. Then, somehow, I was talking about sunsets of all things.

By the time I realized I was rambling on again we had made it to the front of the line which had been incredibly long.  We order our coke and popcorn and made our way back to Johnny and Marcia.  Johnny normally looked nervous, and he did, but it almost looked like he was uncomfortable when Marcia tried to talk to him.  Not like an "I'm uncomfortable around girls" kind of way, but a "I feel genuinely uncomfortable right now" kind of way.  It was weird, but I just assumed it was Johnny being Johnny.  Me and Cherry sat down and we all finished the movie.

When the movie ended, Two-bit appeared as if out of nowhere.  He scared the shit out of all of us, but that seemed to relieve some the tension.  He started flirting with Marcia for a bit, then we all decided to head on back home. 

That's when we ran into some Socs.  More specifically, Cherry's boyfriend and a couple of others. 

We were in trouble.

Two-bit whipped out his pocket knife, grabbed a coke bottle, broke it, and handed it to me.  Johnny grabbed his switch blade. I noticed the look in his eyes - they were fearful. And handsome, as usual. But mainly fearful. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared too; I'd never fought with weapons before. But Johnny looked like he had seen a ghost.

The Socs didn't want anything except "their girls."  I told them they could have them. I probably sounded a bit more aggressive than I intended, but I didn't care. Their "girls" had ruined my night. I was planning on going to the drive in, hanging out with the gang, sitting next to Johnny, talking with him, watching the sunset with him, and just having a grand ol' time. But no. Dally just had to go harass those girls, and me and Johnny just had to walk in at the right moment, and Johnny just had to butt in, and Cherry just had to be so easy to talk to, and I just had to talk to her. So yeah. They could have their girls all right. I didn't want em'. Not now, not ever.

After that whole fiasco, we walked home without Cherry or Marcia. Two-bits house was close to the drive-in, so he left me and Johnny to walk alone. I didn't want to go home just yet. Neither did Johnny because his parents were fighting. We decided to go hangout in the lot.

'Finally,' I thought, 'I'm alone with Johnny.'

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