Chapter Eleven: Fire

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My heart was racing a mile per minute.  Johnny and I ran into a small closet in the back of the church.  It was really small, we had barely enough room to breathe.  We were pretty much on top of each other.

"Aw, but I just got out of the closet," joked Johnny.

"Shush, there are children out there," I whispered back.

"Would this be inappropriate with children?" he asked as he leaned in to kiss me, which really wasn't that hard since we were already smashed up against each other.  I know I probably should not have kissed him back, but he was never this flirtatious with me.  I couldn't resist him.

"Mm, what's gotten into you?" I asked in between his rough kisses.

"You," is all he said.  We went back to making out in the closet, both figuratively and literally.  He was a good kisser, no doubt about it.  We were really getting into the rhythm of it, and I had forgotten about the whole "kids inside our church" thing.  It was just me and Johnny, our bodies up against one another.  But after a while, it started to heat up in there.  Literally, not figuratively.  

"Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?" I whispered to Johnny.

"It's always hot when you're here-"

"No, I mean it feels like it's actually getting really hot in here," I said as I pulled away from him.  Then I got a whiff of smoke in my nose.  I connected the dots.  The church was on fire.  I could tell that Johnny made the same realization.  I slowly opened the closet door.  It was like stepping into a real-life hell.

Johnny let out a small gasp.  I heard the screams of children.  We looked at each other, and in unison, started running towards the sounds of the screams.  

They weren't too hard to find as Johnny and I knew the church like the backs of our hands at that point.  There were at least eight, and they were all crying and not cooperating with us.  But Johnny did something I never thought in a million years he'd do; He took control.

"Everyone!  Shut up and get outta here!" yelled Johnny.  It was probably just the adrenaline kicking in because I probably could've done something similar.  But it was so out of character for Johnny of all people to say something like that to a bunch of kids.  Hell, to anyone for that matter.  

The kids got the hint and stopped.  With the fire burning around us, Johnny and I attempted to break open a window.  But as time went on, we still weren't able to open it.  The fire grew bigger and the roof started cracking.  This is it, I thought to myself as I pulled and pried at the barred-in window, I'm going to die.

But just as those thoughts were settling in, a big rock came flying through the window, barely missing my head.  I looked out of the hole and saw Dally.  He finished ripping the window open and told us to get outside.  But I was already grabbing some kid and shoving him out the window for Dally to take.  Johnny did the same.  I shoved the last kid outside and Dally proceeded to haul me outside of the fire.  I tried to get Johnny because he was nowhere to be seen, but Dally was strong and I was not.  Next thing I knew I was on the ground.  Then Dally stood me back up and shoved my back incredibly hard.  I fell back down.  Dally sprinted back into the church.  I heard the old building begin to crack.  I saw the roof beginning to fall.  The last thing I heard before passing out was the shriek of Johnny as the church collapsed.

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