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The greenery of the park soothes the eyes, the fresh wind making you feel like you're dancing in the sky, just like a free butterfly. Even the winter season couldn't stop the flower from blooming and filling the whole area with their sweet scent. It assures us that happiness would keep blooming in our life despite the phase we're going through.

Staring at one such beautiful flower blooming in winter, Jimin suddenly feels a rush of feeling. He himself don't know what are these feelings. Is he sad ? Hurt ? Miserable ? Heartbroken ? Dejected ? Or maybe he's feeling all of them at once.

" Are you cold ?" Yoongi's asks from behind him, for a second he had forgotten that Yoongi was with him. He looks for why is Yoongi asking him such a question.

His eyes fall on his trembling hands, he didn't thought it'd be this cold outside so he didn't felt the need to bring his hand gloves and on bonus neither his coat has any pockets.

He looks at Yoongi who's still waiting for a reply. There's no good in denying what is true so he shakes his head in yes.
Yoongi takes out his own hand from his pocket that has warmed inside. He reaches out for Jimin's hand hesitating a bit but the younger didn't stopped him.

He laces his fingers with Jimin, interwining their hands together he steps closer to Jimin.
Suddenly all the cold washes away from Jimin's body, all he feel is a newly found warmth, one that seem like a promise to stay with him forever.

Yoongi puts their hands back in his pocket. He doesn't make a big deal out of it and just continue to walk along the park.
They look nothing out of ordinary to the normal eyes, they're just your random couple who are just taking a walk in the park.


" Hyung, I don't think they'd fall for this." Jungkook sighs, crumbling the letter that he wrote for the 10th time.
" Trust me. This is the best idea, if only I'd had thought of this sooner." Jungkook rolls his eyes at that. 'Best idea my ass' he curses under his breath.

" You said something ?" Taehyung seems to catch on his words.
" Nothing. Let's continue." He turns his focus back to the letter and not to the way the older was looking at him.

This time Taehyung's best idea was to write letters to them in other's handwriting and addressing it as their confession for their underlying love.

Jungkook may or may not have cracked up a little bit on hearing the idea but he was again forced by Taehyung to help him.

" And done." Jungkook sighs happily, he was finally successful in copying Yoongi's handwriting after so many attempts. It's not the exact copy but you wouldn't notice the difference unless you look too closely.

He hands over the letter to Taehyung. Taehyung stared at the letter for quite some time, his expressions serious as he inspects it. And for some reason Jungkook feels weirdly nervous about his approval.

" Wow our Jungkookie is so talented." He pets the younger's head just like he use to do with his other friends. But he doesn't notice the effect it have on Jungkook. How his doe eyes turns so big, his cheeks turning into a natural blush and his heartbeat echoing in the room.

" Now I'll place Jimin's letter under hyung's pillow and Yoongi hyung's letter on Jimin's lampshade." With that thought, he walks away to execute his plan leaving a flustered Jungkook behind him.


Since this was the first time Jimin stepped outside without Haru he can't help but feel nervous about his baby's wellbeing. It's not that he doesn't trust Jungkook or Taehyung but he couldn't stop himself from worrying. Yoongi understands his worry well so they decide to head back home early than they planned.

When they got back, Jungkook and Taehyung has fallen asleep on the couch in the same position they were watching TV in. Yoongi gesture Jimin that he'll take care of them and that he should go check on Haru.

Seeing his baby sleeping peacefully in his cradle, he took a sigh of relief.
" My sleepyhead." Jimin caresses the sleeping baby's head. He stare at him for a little longer before stepping out to the living room.

" Chim, how was your date ?" He was welcomed by Taehyung's arm back hugging him.
" I told you it wasn't a date." He tried to break through but Taehyung continued to crush him more in his arms.

" Aren't you leaving ?" Yoongi asks from the other side of the room.
Taehyung gave him a annoyed look followed by a scoff.
" Just say you want to spend alone time with Jimin and go." He removes his arms from Jimin's waist, walking upto the chair where he had kept his jacket.

" Jungkook ah, thank you for looking after Haru." Jimin continues to step towards him and engulf him in a hug. Taehyung watches the scene with puffed up cheeks. Why didn't Jimin thanked him, afterall he helped in taking care of Haru too.

" No worries hyung, Haru is the best child ever." Jungkook replies with a smile.
Before Jimin could say anything else Yoongi clears his throat, gaining everyone's attention.
" The door is open."
Taehyung gave him a glare before holding Jungkook's wrist and walking out.
" Yeah we're leaving." He practically drags Jungkook beside him and didn't let the younger say anything in resist.

" Hyung, please slow down." Jungkook tries to stop the older but Taehyung isn't having any of it.
" Hurry or we'll be late." He says as he skips through the stairs, Jungkook has to take extra care to not trip on any of them.
" Late ?"

Taehyung stops abruptly in the track.
" For our date." He says turning around, the sudden stop made Jungkook collide with his chest.
" D-date ?" Jungkook stutter through his words, looking up at the older.

" Would you allow me ? To take you on a date ?" Taehyung hold the younger in the same position he bumped on him.

Jungkook is almost the same height as him but somehow Taehyung manages to have the upper hand in the situation.
He looks down at his feet. He isn't too dumb to not notice that Taehyung was flirting with him for the past days but he didn't thought that he would ask me out like this.

" I- sure, hyung." There's no need for him to hesitate when he himself wants the same thing.
" Thank you." Taehyung brings Jungkook's hand upto his mouth and leave a little kiss on its back.

" Hyung~" Jungkook hides his face in his hand to stop the blush spreading on his face.
" Let's go." Both of them walk down with hands in hands. Atleast someone got their happy ending.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now