Chapter 6

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When Becca left Niall looked up only to be so confused for a minute. He saw the single tear fall from her eyes as she left. His gaze shifted to her wrist in a record amount of time. Her long sleeves rode up just enough for him to see a fresh cut. As much as he wishes that he was just seeing things he knows that something's up. Becca loved Liam more then her own life, and she would rather die then lose him. She's been doing so good for the past 6 months, what happened. Thousands of thoughts kept running threw his head he just sat there starring at nothing until he heard the sound of Becca and Liam's door shut.

He looked over at all the boys gathered around Liam and he knew that he would be fine. "I'm gonna for make sure Becca's ok." He said standing up heading towards the hall. "Make sure she's ok? What about Liam. She will be fine, I means she did this not the other way around!" Zayn said with a look of disgust on his face. "Watch your mouth Malik. You don't know Becca like I do. There's a side of her none of ye basters know, and may never know. She would never willingly do something like this." Niall said back making everybody look up at him shocked. Nialls always so sweet. He's never once said anything in a rude tone, so it shocked them. For crying out loud who wouldn't be shocked, but this was him sticking up for Becca. She was a sister to him, and he would do anything for her. Even if it's standing up for her after everything that's happened, but it makes it easier knowing that she's hurt by what she did.

He quickly went to comfort Becca seeing as the others only cares about doing the same to Liam. He also had to find out what was going one. What caused her to cut again? And why did she leave Liam? He stopes right at her bedroom door afraid of what he might see. He took a deep breath before walking in "What's going on Becca?" He asked sternly before looking up at Becca. Becca sat in the corner of the room crying with blood running down her wrist and the blade in her other hand.

Not noticing Niall walked in Becca held the blade up one more time. She held it to her wrist and pushed in. She looked as though she thought about pulling away, but she went against it. She slowly slid it across, making sure that blood was coming out of the cut before she moved on. She even went back to redo a spot when she realized she hadn't cut deep enough to brake the skin. As soon as he saw Becca he gasp and feel to his knees in front of her. One of his biggest fears were happening. She looked up hearing him hit the floor then realizing he asked something then what he asked. She. Opened her mouth to tell him something, but started crying even more before she could. Just seeing the horrified, worried, and scared expression on his face from what he just saw was enough to make her die inside. He was like her brother and she never wanted him to ever see her like that.

He wrapped her in a hug not even catering if he ended up with blood on him. "Nothing Niall. Leave." She said as soon as she was able to talk again. "No. Come on I can tell something's wrong. Tell me Becca." Niall said pulling back to look her in the eyes as a few years found their way down his cheeks. It killed Niall seeing Becca like that. He loved Becca, not in a relationship type way, but a brother sister way. She was the little sister he never got to have, and he will live his live helping and protecting her, even down to his last breath. "Come on you know how much I care about you. Please don't shut me out. Tell me Becca please." He said crying a little more.

Becca couldn't stand to see him cry, so she gave in and told him. She started at when she was raped, and how she cut again for the first time in 6 months after it happened. About how he threatened her if she didn't brake up with him. How she was scared and felt like she did something wrong, or how she deserved it for some reason. How she felt like she cheated on Liam, and most importantly how she was pregnant. She reached over and grabbed the papers with a shaky hand taking a deep and shaky breath. "See its Liam's. I've been pregnant to long for it to be Simons." " I'm so sorry. How could he do such a thing?" Niall said anger and sadness prominent in his voice. "Hey Becca promise me something?" Niall said looking at the blade which was beside Becca on the floor next to the cuts on her wrist.

"What is it Niall?" She asked look up at him from where she had been staring at her cuts every once in a while the blade. "Visit me in jail everyday you can" he said casually. "Jail Niall what are you talking about? Why would you go to jail?" She asked looking at him with tears in her eyes. She just lost the love of her life. She can't lose her 'brother' as well. Plus Niall to nice to ever do anything bad enough to go to jail. He looked up meeting Becca gaze. Looking her right in the eye before saying "For killing a man." He said sternly without a hint of regret, only seriousness, which scared Becca.

When Niall said it he meant it. He would easily kill for Becca, but the thing is it's not only Becca that's like this, Harry is as well. Management puts Harry threw the same things. Honestly Niall wouldn't doubt that on of the people from Modest! hasn't done the same thing to Harry. He remembers one time Harry was acting the same way, only we know he wasn't pregnant. But yes Harry cuts as well. With the Elouner thing going around it's slowly killing Harry. Becca feels the same way with Sophiam, and that's what pushed Niall to the edge. He can't just sit back and watch his two best friends slowly kill themselves because of management he's gonna make sure that the next interview people will know the truth.

"I'm gonna go get Haz to sit in here with you." Niall said right before leaving. "Ok Ni and thank you for everything. Please stay safe and don't do anything stupid." She spoke before he left. He looked at her and then left without another word. He's not one to make promises he can't keep. "Haz come here." He spoke sounding even more pissed off when he saw newer cuts on Harry's arm. They only looked a few days old. Harry stood up and walked over to Niall. He pulled him aside and explained everything. Harry barely let him finish be for he ran to Becca and hold her. Harry walked threw the doors and helped her clean up before he showed her his wrist. His had long deep slashes in them as well. Him and Becca talked for a while about the reasons behind the cuts one both of their arms. It felt good yet bad for both of them to find out the other did the same thing. Of course it hurt to fined out that your best friend cuts, but it was such a relief to talk to someone who understands.

Niall on the other hand left with out another word to anybody. He walked right in to Simons office and started yelling. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?! IS DESTROYING LOVE A HOBBIE OF YOURS, AND HOW COULD YOU RAPE HER? SHES PREGNANT WITH LIAMS BABY AND YOU RAPE HER AND FORCE HER TO BRAKE UP WITH HIM?! I WILL TELL LIAM EVERYTHING, THEY WILL GET BACK TOGETHER AND COME OUT ALONG WITH LARRY, AND THEY WILL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME IM SICK AND TIRED OF LETING YOU TELL US WHAT WE CAN AND CAN NOT DO AND WHO WE CAN AND CAN NOT BE WITH. OUR BAND IS BRINGING YOU IN THE MOST MONEY. ITS OUR TURN TO START CALLING THE SHOTS GOT IT?!" Simon looked frighted at first but regained his self after a minute. "No no no no" he finally said trying to be as calm as he can. He tried not to cower back when Niall walked closer to him. Niall was always so sweet and caring. He was the sensitive one, but right then and there he looked fit to kill. Simons NEVER seen Niall like this so he had no idea what he was capable of. "YES THEY WILL. BECCA AND HARRY BOTH CUT BECAUSE OF YOU AND I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE! I CANT JUST SIT BACK AND WATCH MY TWO BEST FRIENDS KILL THEMSELVES BECAUSE OF YOURE SORRY ARSE! THINK ABOUT THEM FOR ONCE WILL YE, THEY ARE COMING OUT!" Niall was beyond pissed at that moment and he'd already punched a whole in Simons wall not wanting to be arrested because he punched Simon. That had simon about to piss his pants, so he finally agreed. But of course not before he found out that Becca and Harry have both attempted suicide because of having to hind their love. Niall promised to pay for a wall replacement then turned to go back home still not wanting to even look at Simon.

*please comment and ell me what you think of it so far.*

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