Chapter 8

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Kristanna stood staring at Naill shocked. She had seen him like that. He gave Becca a sorrow filled look. "Are you gonna tell him or am I? They have to know now before I kill him. I love you and don't want to put you through that but I can't let him hurt you. You're my little sister and he is not gonna talk to you like that after everything that's happened, which is partly his fault." He said so sweetly yet so harsh at the same time. "How the hell is any of this my fault?" Liam yelled. He was beyond pissed by being blamed for what happened. "Because I'm pregnant you dick!" Rebecca finally yelled, tears streaming down her face freely. Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Kristanna's mouth fell open. nobody could talk, they didn't know what to say. Harry held Becca closer as Niall walked over to her so he could wrap her wrist up. "Who's the dad?" Liam asked barely addible. "Who do you think the dad is?!" Harry finally spoke really aggravated at the moment. "I don't know she was raped it might be his baby" Liam replied still to shocked to show any emotion. "Here's the proof"Niall said handing Liam the papers. "Are you happy? You knocked up my best friend, the one I consider my sister, then treat her like shit after she was raped and forced to leave the love of her life?!" Niall yelled again sounding pissed again. Kristanna had heard enough. She walked in with tear stained cheeks because of what had happened to her best friend.

Liam looked at the paper then to Becca. He slowly got up and walked over to her. Harry held her closer and Niall stood up watching his every move ready to easily snap. Liam bent down lifting her chin making him look at him. "Can we go talk in the bedroom please?" he asked her kindly. Niall started to walk over to Liam, but Becca stood up to him and threw her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek and caught the corner or his mouth before pulling back to look at him. "Thank you for everything Niall. I know your being protective and I appreciate that but I'm gonna go talk to him. But if he does anything I give you permission to kill him." She then goes to Harry and hugs him before kissing him cheek. "It's ok cupcake. Remember our deal. Come to me and I'll come to you. I'll check you daily and you check me. That's what I'm here for. And no matter what I'll always be here. Especially for you." Harry looks up at her "Thank you. I couldn't have asked for a better friend." He leans up and kisses her cheek and hugs her back. She then stands up and walks back to Liam. "Sure. Yeah let's go" Liam starts to walk behind her up to the room. As they leave the room Niall turn around and finally sees Kristanna. He runs over to her and raps her into a big hug and drags her into a kiss. Zayn, who is still shocked by everything, leaves to go call Petrie. Louis gets up and runs to Harry.

"Babe what was she talking about. Talk to her about what?" Louis asks worried. "It's nothing boo I promise" Harry says looking down. "Don't give me that what was it please?" Instead of answering through words Harry shows Louis his wrist. Louis lets out a sob. "Baby why?" He quickly wraps his boy in his arms as soon as he was the hurt on his face while Harry starts to explain everything to him. About just how much Simon and the beard thing gets to him. Louis picked Harry up and carries him up to their room. So that he can show him every reason he loves him.

"Oh my god baby you're here! Wait how? Why?" Niall asked stunned. "Surprise! Becca gave me a plane ticket to come here. Front row and back stage pass as well. She missed me and thought it would be fun to surprise you." Kristanna explained to him. "Wait how long have you been here?" He asked. "Long enough to hear everything." "And how do you feel?" "Sad I wasn't here to help her." Kristanna said truthfully and Niall nodded.
"Do what do you wanna talk about?" Rebecca asked sitting down on the bed. "Us" Liam replied sitting down beside her. "What about us?" "Is there an us left?" "Do you want there to be?" Becca asked actually scared of the answer. "Yes" Liam replied making Becca smile and sit in his lap. "Then yes there is an us left." "I love you Rebecca. Forever and always." "Even when I become a fat hormonal bitch?" "Yes babe. Even then." "Promise?" "Promise." "Then I love you too." and with that Becca into a deep passionate kiss. A few minutes latter they pull apart panting, and they lay down cuddling. Becca fell asleep in Liam's arms not long after and Liam knew that this is how he wanted to spend the rest of his life. With his girl and soon to be baby wrapped in his arms. He made up his mind. He was going to prepose on stage at their concert. The one that would be on live T.V. all around the world, and was only two days away.

The next day Becca woke up with Liam's strong arms wrapped protectively around her. She looked up only to see two beautiful big brown puppy/like eyes looking back down at her. The same one she often got lost in, the ones that have be come her favorite things to look at. They spent two hours just laying in bed talking and kissing.
Because of the tour that don't get to do it very often, and she loved every second of it. He finally decided to get up and tell the others his plan. He gave her a kiss and told her that he'll be right back. He walked down stairs to find the other boys. Harry and Kristanna talked for a few minutes but then went to sit with Becca. Leaving Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn in the living room to talk. "I've got big news." Liam said smiling. "I'm gonna prepose to Rebecca at our next concert." "You go Liam." Louis said seeming to forget all about yesterday. "If you hurt her or if you even think of pulling what you did yesterday swear to god I will kill you." Niall said, every little detail from yesterday still playing around in his head. "Oh my god guys!" Zayn said with pure excitement in his voice. "What?" Niall said voice going back to normal while turning to Zayn. "We should we should do it then!" Everyone but Liam look at Zayn smiling. "What?" Liam asked confused. "Prepose." "Yeah we were all thawing about it last night." "That's perfect." "Yeah you prepose to Becca." "And if you hurt her I'll kill you!" "Niall to Krissy, me to Perrie." "And of course your favorite gay couple me to Harry." "Exactly. And we should all do it at the concert." They all said smiling at Zayn's plan. "That's perfect." "I'm in." "Me too." "Then it's a deal we'll all prepose on stage at the concert." They talked for a few more minutes before they all went up to Liam and Becca room. Just sitting on the bed and talking to each other.

*authors note: hey guys sorry it took so long to post. No I still haven't got any votes or comments but who cares. I think I did an amazing job for a 10 year old writing her first story type thing ever and I'm proud of how it turned out. I don't need to know what people think of it if they like it great if they don't. Stop reading it simple as that. Of I've been going through a lot lately so if you could keep me in mind of appreciate it. But no in all honesty I hope you guys are enjoy reading the story as much as I did writing it. And like I mentioned I was 10 when I wrote this so it may not be the best. My writing style has grown a lot seance then, so maybe I'll write another and it will be better. But I really do like the story and no not because I wrote it I just think it's a good book. Turned out better then I thought lol. Well thanks for sticking with me and please vote and comment let me know what you think. Bye loves.

Love y'all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo*

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