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Hey sorry this isn't part of the story speaking of that I hope you're enjoying it, and I'm sorry if you're not. Thank you for the reads. Comment to tell me what you think I should do and vote to show me who all is here. Ok now on to why I started this. That picture has a lady who means the world to me. She has just passed away. A while before left us she wanted me to write her a story. A Christian love story to be exact. I did and I just finished it not to long ago. I never got the chance to let her read it, because God called her away be for i cult give it to her. I wanted to do something for her, so since she couldn't read it I hope y'all will. It would mean the world to me. I haven't got it up yet, but I will by tomorrow no matter what. Please keep an eye out for it. It's called 'Love Through God'. I would absolutely love it if y'all wild read it and vote for it. Honestly I would rather you boy for that one than anything. I want that story to get around. Kinda like a little gift from me to her. It would absolutely mean the would to me if y'all would do that for me. Please, I'll even get on my hands and knees to beg you, please help me get people to read that story. Her name was Evon. She was like a grandmother to me. She helped me out with so much and I could never thank her enough. I feel like I at least owe her this much. Please. I also have another story 'Where Were You?' If you don't want to read that one its fine. I mean yeah I would love for you to, but that 'Love Through God' is so much more special for me. Well thank all of you please help me out and vote and comment. Bye. Thank all of you guys so much.

I just finished the story 'Love Though God' please go read it. I can not tell you how much it would mean to me. Thank y'all. Love you bunches.

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