Chapter 11

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Soon they were both in bed. Because Leto turning but just couldn't sleep. "Babe go to sleep" Liam yawned pulling her closer. "I can't" "ok". Liam sat up and turned on the lamp. "What are you doing?" "I'm not going to sleep until you do" Liam replied. "But baby you have a show tomorrow" "so do you and plus you're more important to me. If you stay up all night (haha see what I did there. No? Ok) then I am too because I love you." Liam spoke with so much love and adoration that Becca started tearing up. She blushed deep shade of red when he said he loved her. It's truly amazing what he does to her. After almost two years together she still gets butterflies when he looks at her and smiles. She loves this feeling and know that with Liam it will never go away. This is what love feels like and Rebecca knows that, and she's willing to fight to keep it if needed.

Tomorrow is a veery important day for Rebecca even more so then she knows. Maybe that's why she can't sleep, that and the baby. It's her and Liam's 2 year anniversary, the day of their show, and the day Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis are preposing to Becca, Krissey, Perrie and Harry. It was 7:00 when Becca finally fell asleep Liam watched his whole world sleep peacefully in his arms for 5 minutes before sleep took over him as well. At 8:00 Niall woke up to Eleanor pounding on his door.

"Get your fat butts up! I've already got Larry and zerrie up!" Eleanor said as he opened the door. "What happened to Liam?" He asked sleep filling his voice. "I don't know haven't seen him at all today" with that she left. After Niall and Kristanna got up they went to check on Liam and Becca. Niall opened the door too see them both asleep in each other's arms. "Aww they're so cute !" Harry said walking into the room and taking a picture of them. "Yeah but I wounded what happened Liam's always the first one up" Niall said looking from Becca and Liam to Harry. "Idk they're so cute together I hate to do this but we need to wake them now." Zayn said walking in. "I know" Louis spoke. "I'll do it" Kristanna spoke up. "Are you sure baby? They could be a little cranky". Niall said looking at her. "I've woke up Becca for years I think I can handle it" "ok baby if you say so." He kissed her head "go down stairs I'll be down latter" "ok" they all went down stairs except Kristanna. "Hey Becca time to wake up" "what?" "You have to get up. I'm sorry." "No it's ok" all of a sudden Becca got sick to her stomach. She jumped up running to the bathroom the door hit the wall with a pound 'bang!' Which woke Liam up and caused everyone to run upstairs.

*authors note. Hey sorry I haven't written In in a while but after camps we went shopping everyday to get everything ready for school. Then Thursday lucky little me had to go to my freshman orientation. Then Friday had my first day of high school. Speaking of I am gong to try my best to update once a week and if I can't I'm so so so sorry. Anyways. So how are y'all likening it? Ohh!! I feel like writing a new story but idk. Tell me if talk think I should! It wouldn't be posted for a little while but still!!!! But I'm still gonna work on this one. Which is coming to an end. 😭😭. Idk how many chapters will be left it just depends on how long they are. Omg. I love the new Wattpad apps. I can now write like this, this, and this. Isn't it amazing?!?!?! Ikr. Lol. Well I'm gonna go now. Love yallxxxxxxxx*

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