Chapter 2

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She arrived at Kristanna's house a little over 1 hour later. Kristanna had short dirty-blond hair, and was wearing a long navy Blue dress an heals to match. Kristanna and Rebecca had been best friends since they were 12, and now they're both 16. Kristanna was the only person who knew about Rebecca's cutting. Kristanna always tried to stop Rebecca but failed every time, and she has tried everyday for 3 years when it started.

"Krissey are you ready?" Rebecca asked walking in to Kristanna's house. Krissey is what Rebecca's called her since they became friends. "coming Becca" she yelled from the other side of the house. Becca is Rebecca's nickname always has been always will be. Everybody calls her that not just Krissey. Krissey walked over 2 minuets latter, "okay" she said smiling as they left.

They sang to every song they knew on the radio until they reached their destination 3 hours later. "Are you Rebecca Scurlock?" is the first thing they hear when they get out of Rebecca's new truck. "Yes I am and who might you be?" She asked turning around to meet a guy. He had brownish hair, medium heigh, and muscular. Rebecca knew who he was the second she saw him. "Omg you're Paul, one direction's main bodyguard." He looked amazed and shocked that she knew that. "You really are a huge fan aren't you" he said laughing. "Yes I am." Rebecca replied polity. "You need to come with me please, and don't worry you're not in trouble."Paul said with a smile. "Sure but can Krissey come with me?" he looked over at Kristanna smiling. He said "Of course" and with that they left.

They skipped to he front of the line and then to the dressing room that the boys were in."The boys wanted to see you before the show. They're right through there"Paul said pointing to the door behind them. "Ok thank you Paul." Kristanna said from right beside Rebecca. He nodded before walking away. "Why would they want to see us and how do they even know we exist?" Kristanna asked Rebecca. "I don't know but let's go," she replied. They nocked and herd a faint laughter so they opened the door and walked in closing the door behind them. The room was big with dark-blue walls. Inside the room was 5 boys throwing paper wads at each other while still in only boxers. Liam looked up and locked eyes with Becca and it felt like the world stopped and they were the only people there. That was until 4 paper wads came flying and hit Liam in the head which knocked him out of his trance. "Oh it's on" Liam yelled at the boys making Becca laugh. They all looked up smiling and blushing as they noticed her.

"Oh hi. Um who are you?" Louis asked braking the silence. "Hi Im Rebecca,but you can call me Becca, and this is Kristanna,but you can call her Keissey..","no",Kristanna whined cutting Becca off. "Yes","no","Krissey" Becca said in a worning tone. "Fine", "yeah call her Krissey. Anyway, Paul said you wanted to see me." "Wow" was all they could say. They were basically drooling. Harry was the first to find his voice "you're hot!" "Excuse me. What did you just say?" a jelouse looking Louis said facing Harry. "Baby calm down she may be hot but you're way hotter, and there is only room for one person in my hart and that's you. So don't worry baby I'm all yours." Harry said walking over to Louis pulling him into a passionate kiss "mm I better be, and just wait till tonight ill show you that you're all mine. Love you"Louis said pulling out of the kiss . "You are and i cant wait. I love you more" Harry said before kissing his love again

"One thing I'm not hot and Second OMG LARRY'S REAL YES HAHA TAKE THAT BITCHES. YES YES. sorry I'm a huge Larry shipper and I always hoped it was real. Larry's the only thing that kept me believing in true love so I had to hope it was real or I would have lost hope in love."Rebecca scram . "You are believe me I don't lie you're drop dead gorges. And yes Larry is real wait why don't you believe in true love?" Liam said making her blush. "Ok I'll try and believe that and I do just not for me I've had a bad past that kept me from believing in it but I always hope. I've been hurt so many times I don't know if I can be hurt anymore so ill give some people a try but I never think well last. I try and keep my hart from completely crashing down so I have to trust you before I give my heart away and hope for the best."Rebecca explained. "Good and don't give up. There's someone out their who will make you Their everything and love you more than they love themselves. I promise you that." Rebecca looked at the ground smiling and blushing she felt butterflies in stomach. She's never felt this nervous talking to a guy she just met it's new and very weird for her.

"You do realize that you are all still in your boxers right" she said changing the subject. They all looked down and saw that she was right and ran to get ready. "Sorry 'bout that" Niall spoke up. "It's fine. We don't mined, I have an older brother, and she has god knows how many cousins,uncles,2 brothers, her dad, and papa who do it all the time. She's more use to it then me cause her family is full of boys who don't care and walk around like that most of the time. They really don't have any shame in their body." Kristanna finally spoke up . Then it was her and Niall's turn to locked eyes and started smiling.

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