February 11, Afternoon/Small Game and Workout

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---Deku P.O.V.---

Class 1A just finished class and I was heading to the boys living Room to play some Uno with some of the other boys, I was just heading out of class going the dorms, and I kept thinking of Ochako Uraraka, I started having a crush on her since the training camp, I wanted to ask her out but I didn't know how to, plus I wasn't good at flirting and situations like this. Recently she has been on my mind lately but I try to put that thought aside but it only works for about 6 hours a day, and that's if I am lucky.

I arrived at the dorms and get the card game ready, I only have time for one round since after that I will go to the Gym to train a bit more. I am playing with Kacchan, Kirishima, Todoroki, Lida, Kaminari, Mineta, and Tokoyami. While we were playing Kaminari said, "Anyone prepared for Valentine's day, it's in 3 days you know?" "Pretty sure you aren't," said Todoroki. "Who even celebrates that holiday?!" yelled Kacchan. "There are people who celebrate this holiday with their love ones you know?" Said Lida.

I just stood quiet, placing my cards down. No one knew of my feelings towards Uraraka. I didn't want them to know because I didn't think she liked me back. "Let's make this game interesting." Said Mineta, "Whoever gets second place has to ask out someone for Valentine's day." Everyone looked at him. "Mineta, you can't make someone do something they probably don't wanna do." Exclaimed Lida. Mineta replied, "Well you can quit if you're chicken to try, also try to win if you don't want to."

"Ok, the challenge is on!" Said Kirishima. "I don't really have a crush so I'll just watch." Said Tokoyami. Same here and I still don't think this is a good idea" Said Lida in a concerned tone. The only one's playing so far were Kirishima, Todoroki, Kaminari, and Mineta. Kacchan and I haven't made up our minds yet. I was planning to tap out since I didn't wanna risk anything. "What is the point of doing this?" Exclaimed Kacchan. Then Kirishima said something for me to forget of tapping out. He said, "Well Midoriya would of probably beat you anyway."

Kacchan then yelled at me, "YOU THINK YOU ARE BETTER THEN ME! I WILL DEFEAT YOU RIGHT NOW IN THIS STUPID CARD GAME!" I told him, "I DON'T MEAN THAT! I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING!" "YOU SURE DEKU! I WILL KILL YOU IN THIS GAME!" Kacchan yelled again. There was no point in trying to convince him so I just sat down and got my cards ready. I knew I only had to not get 2nd place.

When we were at the end of the game, Todoroki had one card and I had two, everyone else had more than three cards, Kaminari placed down a plus 4 card and I was getting scared, I knew Todoroki had a Reverse card because I used a swap card with him and he was gonna win and I was gonna get 2nd.-

I decided to fake a phone call to get out of that situation. "All might what is up?" I said faking a phone call. After all might 'told me to train' I said, "Alright I will go to the Gym in a moment." I said nervously, "I got to go to the gym BYE!" Everyone looked at me weird, I barely got out of there. Since it wasn't a Lie and I was actually going to the Gym, I was safe from any suspicious looks from my classmates.

Once I put on my gym uniform, I got to the gym. I started working out there. There were other students but apparently, I was the only one from Class 1A there. Well that's what I thought, I actually noticed uraraka there. "Hey Deku! I didn't know you were coming to come to work out!" She said with a cheerful voice. "Oh hey Uraraka, I didn't see you there," I said nervously, "I also didn't know you were gonna be here." "Let's work out our skills, it can be fun to come up with new movements for our hero skills," She said. We worked out for a good hour and after that we were exhausted.

We finished up training, and we headed back to the dorms, but I didn't really wanna go back to the dorms because I thought people were gonna remember the Uno Game and what happened. It was getting dark so people were starting to leave. I told myself that I should leave as well since the Gym closes at 6:00 p.m. and it's almost that time. "That sure was good training for me," said uraraka. "It really was, I enjoyed it." I said. Ochako and I changed from my Gym Uniform to more casual clothes and headed back to the dorms together. I was hoping no one mentioned on what happened earlier from the uno game, because I didn't wanna get embarrassed in front of Uraraka.

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