February 14, Morning/Disaster and Captured

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---Deku P.O.V.---

I woke up late at 8:20 a.m. "Dang it, I will be late." I thought. I rushed out of my bedroom and put on a plain black T-Shirt with Dark Blue Geans. I did everything I normally do in the morning but 10 times faster. I was in a rush. "Midoriya, what is the rush for?" Said Lida. "I will text in the chat later why, I will be back before anyone notices," I said. "Alright but make it in time for the valentine's party." Said Lida. "I know," I replied. I ran out and got my phone and texted the following: I am gonna go get some stuff my mom told me to get today. I will be back soon, it will only take me about 1 hour. If for some reason I don't make it in time for the Valentine party, start without me ok.

I turned off my phone so that I don't get 50+ notifications. I didn't have time to respond to any texts. I was running like my life depended on it. About 20 minutes later I make it to the store at 8:55 a.m. I knew I could still make it. I got in the store and drank some water I brought with me. Once I hydrated myself I looked around the flowers. There wasn't many left but I picked out a red, white, and pink bouquet of flowers. Then I went to go pay for them. I had just the right amount of money to buy the one I wanted, it was $14 and I had a total of $25 to pay.

"Just this?" said the cashier. "Yes, it's for a special person," I said. I was left with about $10 and now I was heading back. Then a strange man approached me, he had brown hair, a red coat, and a plain white shirt underneath. I didn't know why but he reminded me of Dabi, he looked the same but just without any scars, and a different color uniform. "So buying flowers for someone huh?" he said. "I mean yeah, I am kinda in a rush so I need to go," I said. "That's sad, I wanted an autograph." He said. "I, well I can do that I guess," I said.

There was something off about him. He pulled out a piece of paper and I was just gonna write my hero name since I didn't know what to do. Then he grabbed me from the arm and pulled me to an alleyway. I couldn't yell for help, there was no pro hero's near so my only choice was to fight back. I punched that guy in the face and it turned out to be a clone. "WHAT THE-" I said but someone grabbed me. "Kinda sad my random clone turned to ash. He just wanted an autograph." said a familiar voice. That was Dabi from the league of villains. "Don't yell or I turn you to ashes." He said.

I tried to kick him but someone tied me up, they put a blindfold on me so I couldn't see what was going on, but I wasn't knocked out. "Ok bring the kid gently to the location, let's beat him up," Someone said, I couldn't tell who it was but It sounded like two people. "I can't wait to talk to him." Said another female voice. I knew one of them was Dabi so the others were probably other members of the league. "Push him to the ground, but gently." Said the double voice. They took off my blindfold and I could see who it was. It was Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and Twice from the League of Villains. "Well, Well, Well, What do we have here." Said Shigaraki.

I still couldn't talk but I was getting tied up to a chair

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I still couldn't talk but I was getting tied up to a chair. Then Dabi took out the bandana on my mouth. "Ok now that you can talk, I just wanna know a couple of things." Said Shigaraki. "Make it fast so that we can talk as well." Said Toga. "You can't take us all on so don't even try to break out," said Dabi. "And to clarify, that isn't Dabi's secret brother or something, I just based that guy on Dabi btw, NOW TELL US WHAT WE WANT!" said twice. "Now you know how you admire all might a lot, I know that he has a successor, now tell me, what do you know of this Izuku Midoriya?" He was talking about one for all, I couldn't let him know or there would be trouble.

"I don't know what you mean, I never even heard of all might having successor," I said, but I was lying. "Sure you hero, we believe you," said twice. "I never even heard of this," I said. "Well, this was a waste of time." Said Dabi. "Well he is the first suspect so maybe someone else knows, and we did find him randomly outside of school skipping classes so pretty much." Said twice. "It's Sunday, there is no school on Sunday Jin, but it was worth it for me at least," said toga, "and who are the flowers for?" "None of your business physio," I said angrily. "Well since we don't give an F about this might as well just," said Dabi. Then he burned the flowers until they were just ashes. "Oops," he said afterward. "YOU BASTARD!" I yelled almost sounding insane.

I kicked Shigaraki in the balls out of anger while restained in the chair but he just started dissolving, he was a clone. I took one of Toga's knives and got myself out of there. "IZUKU! DON'T LEAVE! I HAVE SO MUCH I WANNA TALK ABOUT WITH YOU!" said toga charging at me. I kicked her in the stomach to pull her away then I put on a full 45% to Dabi in the head. I knocked him out and then I hid in a different room of the abandoned house. But Himiko was behind me and she pinned me to the wall.

"You sounded so sad when Dabi burned those flowers, you almost seemed that you wanted to cry, It's ok, I would have gotten mad too, but tell me who were those flowers for?" She said, then she scratched me near my cheek with her knife. "Perhaps they were for Ochako Uraraka," she said, "You like her don't you, you try to avoid telling anyone because you fear she doesn't feel the same way. What you have is a desire, a desire to be with her. It's not bad, all of this is actually natural. I can tell you right now she has a crush on someone, but I don't know if it's you or not she has a crush on." "Shut up physio, you don't know anything about me and her," I said angrily. "Oh I might not know much, but I do know you want her, you want her to love you, and you wanna ask her to be your valentine, but you are afraid of rejection, again it's natural, that's just how love works." She said.

She was trying to play with my mind, but she wasn't completely wrong. "So, if you want to you can just give up, there might not be a chance for you two to be a thing." Toga said. "JUST SHUT UP B*TCH!" I said out of anger, then I grabbed her from the arm and disarmed her like how Ochako did once back at camp. I knocked her out. I put toga behind a sofa in the building we were in. Then Twice busted in the room. "HANDS IN THE AIR HERO." He said. "WA WA WA WAI WAI WAIT! IT'S TOGA, I JUST TOOK SOME OF IZUKU'S BLOOD!" I said Lying. I was hoping he would believe me. "Oh,............... Ok, where did he go?" he said. "He is trying to go outside, I will meet you up when I can," I said nervously. "Ok toga." said twice, before leaving.

I decided to hide in the vent and contact emergency. I told them where I was and they told me to wait there. I stopped the bleeding from my cheek with the bandana they used to tie me up. I was crying a little while hiding, wiping my tears with my hand, but not because I was scared of the league, but because I was more scared if I could even get something for Ochako. Toga was right, I desired her love, and I knew I couldn't do it, but the feelings didn't go away, or my small but powerful will to want to confess to Uraraka, and tell her that I loved her.

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