February 11, Night-time/A Good Joke

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---Deku P.O.V.---

As Uraraka and I headed out of the Gym and back to the dorms, We walked through the school hallway. The students have to pass through the school hallway for safety reasons. I kept thinking to myself some random stuff in my head and kept mumbling in the school hallway. Uraraka didn't mind it much, but others were just watching me probably thinking I was weird. "Class 1A kid, you're mumbling" Said Monoma. This guy really hated our class and no one knows why, we just got involved in one school attack. He is from 1B and he is basically like Kacchan but less loud and more annoying.

"AH Sorry! It's a habit" I replied. "And I am here wondering how people can tolerate you? HAHAHAHAHA" He said. "Hey deku is strong and you shouldn't make fun of him." Said uraraka. He wasn't wrong in a way since Kacchan can't tolerate my pure existence but that's really it, so I just ignored him. Then Kendo also from class 1B hit him in the head to calm him down. She has to do that all the time. "Sorry about him, again..." she said. "It's ok, I have been 'bullied' worse than that," I said kinda joking. "Next time hit him harder," Said uraraka.

When I got back to the dorms, Uraraka went to talk to the girls and I just sat down in the kitchen alone and ate some Katsudan. I was just taking some last-minute notes to pass the time. I go to the Zero-Gravity section. I just look at the image for a lot of time. Then I drew a heart in the top corner of the page. I don't know why I did it, but no one saw. I just closed my notebook and finished eating and went to my dorm room.

---Uraraka P.O.V.---

I was in the living room with the Girls after a workout at the gym with Deku. We just talked about some stuff. "So which boys do you think will try to ask one of us for Valentine's day? It is in 3 days." Said Mina. "Definitely Kaminari and Mineta, but they will probably get rejected" Said Jiro. I just sipped on my caprisun. I didn't really know what to say. I did want someone to ask me out but I knew they probably wouldn't. He is so determined on becoming a hero and I knew he didn't have time for love. That person was Deku. I just stood quiet.

"I think it's time for bed," said Yaomomo. "Alright, tomorrow is the last day of class so might as well get some sleep," I said nervously. "No time for boys." Every one of the girls looked at me in confusion. "You want someone to ask you out!" said Hagakure. "IT'S LOVE STRIKING BACK!" yelled mina. "WHAT?! SHOVE? DOVE? IDK WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT?!" I said nervously. "We will figure it out on our own, we have to get to bed," said Yaomomo. "Ok but don't think we will forget Ochako," said Jiro. "Well good night everyone *ribbit*," said Tsu. We all head to bed, I was lucky they don't know yet.

---Tsuyu P.O.V.---

I knew Ochako had a crush on someone, and I knew it was Midoriya, I didn't tell the other girls because I knew she would probably be uncomfortable. Plus even she didn't know I figured it out. I decided to help out my friend and try to figure out myself if Midoriya liked Uraraka back. I texted him while I was in my room.

---On the phone---

Ribbit Frog (Tsu)

Hey Midoriya, how was your training?

Midroiya: Oh it was fine, I didn't do much. It's weird for you to text me at night Asui?


Midoriya: OH SORRY TSU! But what made you wanna text me. at night?

I just wanted to know if you are gonna ask out anyone for Valentine's day?

Midoriya: What? Oh, I am not gonna do that! I don't even think anyone has a crush on me.

Ochako has a crush on you

Midoriya: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂TSU, THAT WAS A GOOD JOKE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣OH, I AM GONNA DIE OF LAUGHTER!

That wasn't a joke

Midoriya: Wait, was I not supposed to laugh, Sorry, It's just the joke was too funny

It's ok, I am not offended, but I was serious

Midroiya: I know I gotta remember to call you Tsu.

You know what forget I said anything

Midroiya: Ok, bye


I have come up with the conclusion that Midroiya does have a crush on Ochako, but he doesn't think that she likes her back. It might be a random guess but if it's true that he likes Ochako, that might hurt him thinking she doesn't feel the same way, so I might wanna tell Ochako about this, she probably won't believe me, but it's worth a try. But I gotta go to sleep first.

---Deku P.O.V.---

Asui just texted me a funny joke, but honestly, I wished it were true. I don't know where she got that from but I really wished it was true. I almost cried myself to sleep but I gotta concentrate on my school work. I hope I can get Ochako out of my mind. It's starting to become a burden because how can Ochako like someone like me. What Asui said really was a joke, or maybe it wasn't, since jokes at least have meanings.

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