February 13, Morning/Small talk to long talk.

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---Deku P.O.V.---

I woke up, today was a Saturday and it was raining, there was nothing to do. I got changed into my typical white plain shirt. As I was getting out of my dorm room I was greeted with a smile by an unexpected person. "Hey Deku good morning," said Uraraka. "Oh hi, Uraraka," I said, "You're looking as good as usual, but you had a cuter smile in my dream." "What?" said Uraraka. "WAIT!" I said. I made a mistake and Uraraka blushed. She probably thinks I am weird. Not even 10 minutes of being awake and I already embraced myself on a weekend.

"SORRY ABOUT THAT, IGNORE WHAT I JUST SAID, IT WAS NOTHING!" I said nervously. I wanted to go back to sleep for the rest of the day now, but Uraraka hugged me. "SHE'S TOO CLOSE." I thought to myself. I was too red but I just hugged her back, I would be a horrible human being if I didn't. "I just wanted to hug you because why not, you probably had a bad day yesterday so I hope this starts making up for it," she said.

Later we ate all of us, I was starting to get confident that I could ask her to be my valentine but I wasn't sure if she was just being her cheerful self, or if she wanted to do this. "Ok we will be watching a movie today so pick which one we will watch," said Lida, "we got Netflix and Disney plus." "So we're having a movie night in the day?" said Kirishima. "We will watch 3 Movies today, one right now, one in the afternoon, and one in the night," said Lida.

"I got an idea, Let's watch the star wars prequels, I heard they are popular especially in memes," said Todoroki. "We can watch episode 1 right now, then we watch episode 2 in the afternoon and episode 3 at night." Said Kaminari. "Good Idea," said Lida. So we started watching the first movie, I guess the cause for this was because there was nothing to do. I sat down next to Uraraka and we all started watching the movie. We were all getting excited.

Half of the class laughed at the weirdest things, I understood why but I don't think others did. Uraraka was pretty close to me. About 2 hours later, We all got excited when the bad guy with the double-bladed lightsaber was gonna fight the two Jedi. About half of the class, including all the girls, were crying on the Jedi's master death, I was one of them. "YEAH THAT HORN GUY DESERVED THAT FOR KILLING A NICE GUY!" Yelled Mina after the sith died. "I am starting to regret this since things are getting too violent." Said Lida. "Oh Just wait for the 66 my boi." Said Kaminari.

The movie ended and we were gonna continue later at about 3:00. I just decided to eat some food. I wanted to just talk to Uraraka but that was easier said than done, or so I thought she just decided to sit with me.

---Uraraka P.O.V.---

I noticed Deku was just eating alone in the kitchen. I decided it would be best to talk about the movie even though I didn't know much about Star Wars. "So Deku, how was the movie!" I said trying to make conversation. "Ah, Uraraka!" Deku said, "I didn't know you were there." "It's ok Deku, I didn't mean to surprise you like that." I said, "I don't know much what happened and what it's about, so do you mind talking a little about what it's about?" I said.

I couldn't read minds but I could tell Deku had the thought of something like "wait, is she asking me" or something like that.  "Oh we will be here for a while, I know a lot about this, and I will give you some tips on how to make friends with a fan of this," Deku said. I was ready for a full summary of the movie but really, i just wanted to talk to him. He started off with some kind of legacy of a chosen one, I knew what he meant, I did watch the first movie. And we kept talking, well for Deku it was mumbling but I could hear him do that for hours.

(sorry not sorry for using star wars as what they are watching on this chapter, if you don't like it (for some reason) then deal with it because it will also be here for the next 2 chapters and star wars memes will be here)

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