February 12, Afternoon/Distracted in Combat Training

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---Deku P.O.V.---

Both teams were prepared to fight to victory. Tokoyami and I were on watch and were just standing on the skyscraper making sure what was. "You know, you seemed stressed about something Midoriya. Mind if I ask?" Said Tokoyami. "Oh it's just the training exercise, I think it's the first time we do something like this, to be honest, I didn't expect it but it's a good exercise," I replied. You probably already know what is on my mind and I can't get her out of there.

"If you didn't know about this until now then what were you stressed about today in class, and does it have to do with yesterday?" Said Tokoyami. "OH DON'T WORRY! ITS NOTHING!" I said nervously. "I don't mean to get into any personal business, but does it have to do with Valentine's day and you trying to ask out someone and are too nervous too?" Said Tokoyami. "WHAT! NOO! THAT'S NOT IT AT ALL!" I said. "Pretty sure that is the case," said Tokoyami. "IT'S LOVE!" said Mina from the back. "Wait isn't she in the opposing team?" I said. "Yeah but I couldn't hold myself, we will talk about this later. :)" said Mina.

Then She went in to kick Me. She missed and dark shadow grabbed onto her but she used her acid to escape dark shadow. We chased her but it was a trap. Liad dashed and grabbed my mouth cover and dragged me out of the building. Luckily for me, I wasn't eliminated yet. I saw Aoyama start to shoot his twinkle laser. I did notice Sato and Kouda were with him. "Well, I can take on you three faster than kacchan." I said.

"OH I WILL SHOW YOU WHO IS FASTER NERD!" said kacchan. I knew he would hear me from a mile away so I got the backup I needed. He eliminated Sato and I eliminated Kouda. Aoyama got away and Lida also left. "Let's see who gets the most kills Deku," said Kacchan. "Don't you mean eliminations?" I replied with. "SAME DAMM THING!" Yelled Kacchan. There was no point to argue with him.

I communicated to Shoto with the communicators Yaomomo made. "Todoroki who is out?" I said. "Well from our team it's Shouji, Sero, and Hagakure, and from theirs are Just Ojiro," Shoto replied. "Well Kacchan and I just got Sato and Kouda eliminated and I think tokoyami is also eliminated," I said. "Well good luck." Said todoroki.

---Uraraka P.O.V.---

We barely made it out with a full team. As I heard there are only 7 members in our team and 6 members in the other team. Mina eliminated tokoyami which gave us the upper hand. Mina was running back to regroup. Lida also ran to us with Aoyama on his back, "I found the other team!" Lida exclaimed. We all went after the other team.

"Wait! I exclaimed, "We should take them one by one, they have some of the strongest so I suggest taking them out one by one." "Good idea Uraraka," Said Lida, "I will get everyone I can to a certain point to eliminate them one by one." We made a trap for them to fall on near a park in the fake city. We were 6 here and we just decided to talk while we wait. 

"So are any of you guys or girls gonna ask someone out for Valentine's day?" Said Aoyama. "Nope, I would not even dare because I know my luck with girls." Said Kaminari. "I am not manly enough to do it." Said Kirishima. "I mean I probably would but that's a guy's job right?" said mina. "Well not really, I mean it's recommended and more likely for a guy to ask the girl but a girl can also ask the guy if the guy isn't manly enough to do it," said Kirishima. "Well in that case wanna be my valentine Kiri?" said mina. "Y E S" exclaimed Kirishima.

I think they were about to kiss but they got interrupted by Bakugou and his explosion. "So sh*tty hair got a valentine, well now I gotta make sure you can make it out alive." He said. "Kacchan that isn't very heroic to say, you gotta work on that," said Deku. He was with him so we all knew we were in trouble with these two here.

"I GOT HAGAKURE!" Yelled Lida from the back. "WELL WE GOT MIDOBRO AND BAKUBRO HERE WITH US!" said Kirishima. Mina eliminated Hagakure but there was still Deku and Bakugou to deal with. I heard Deku yell, "We got everyone from the enemy team here, get to the park area fast!" to the communication device he had. We were in trouble so we just ran and tried to eliminate the others, but Deku eliminated Aoyama before he could leave."

---Deku P.O.V.---

I just eliminated Aoyama. "No hard feelings right?" I said. "Well, next time don't pull me from the cape." He said. "NOBODY CARES!" yelled Kacchan. "Well, I got one more elimination than you," I said jokily, is hoping not to die. "I WILL BEAT YOU AT KILLS DAMM NERD!" said Kacchan. "Eliminations." I corrected. "WHATEVER!" said Kacchan. We both chased after team 1, I was getting worried Kacchan would find out how I truly felt for Ochako.

We found team 1, they have already eliminated everyone but Todoroki. "You guys are late!" said Shoto. Kacchan took out Kaminari. "Boi," said Kaminari. Todoroki froze everyone with his ice except Uraraka and Lida. He took out Asui and Ashido. Kirishima was able to break free and hold him still and Uraraka eliminated Todoroki.

Kacchan Dashed to Kirishima about to blow him up. Kirishima activated his quirk to doge but Kacchan took that chance to eliminate him. I went after Lida. I kicked him in the stomach and dashed him to take him out. I got him out, the last enemy left was Uraraka. "I WILL KILL YOU PINK CHEEKS!" said Kacchan. He had a full explosion ready and I was about to blast Uraraka but Kacchan got in the way and I hit him instead.

Well, that's what I wanted everyone to think, I actually was aiming at Kacchan, I don't know what made me do it. I guess what made me do it is that I didn't wanna see her hurt, it was a hit to the head and I know how painful those could be. Honestly, I didn't wanna have to fight her either but now I have no choice. I really am a simp.

"DEKU WHAT THE HELL! I HAD HER!" Kacchan yelled. "NOT MY FAULT YOU GOT IN THE WAY KACCHAN!" I yelled back. Uraraka eliminated Kacchan with the capture tape. She was ready for a full clash so she got as many rocks as she could. "ALRIGHT DON'T HOLD BACK DEKU!" She said detriment for a battle.

I charged up one for all ready for a Delaware smash. We dashed at each other, I broke her defense and I was about to do the finishing blow, a kick to the head or stomach, she prepared to get hit by my seemingly undoable attack, but when I was about to give the blow, I instead missed the attack on purpose, it was obvious to everyone there. I just stood still, looking at the ground.

---Uraraka P.O.V.---

Deku missed his attack on purpose, and I am still not eliminated, I took my chance and took him out. "TEAM 1 WINS!" Yelled mic from the watch room. I was still in shock when he held back. I was expecting a painful kick but I got mercy instead. I didn't think my team deserved to win, I wondered why he held back. I was starting to get worried.

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