February 14, Afternoon/Advice and Confession

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---Deku P.O.V.---

It was just 12:00 p.m. and the cops arrived and we're gonna take in the three league members, but they escaped. I got out of my hiding sone and was safe. The police asked me a few questions. "Did you indicate any physical combat?" an officer said. "No, I did not," I responded. They asked more questions and I answered them all. "We will escort you back to U.A.," the officer said. "Wait let me just buy something I didn't get to buy," I said. I got into the small shop only to pain myself even more. They were sold out of flowers. I left before I caused a scene.

Once I was escorted, the time was 1;00 p.m. and everyone was waiting for me at the dorms. "Midoriya!" most of the class said. "We heard everything that happened but I hope you are ok," said Lida. "I am fine, start the party without me, I need some rest," I said. Everyone thought it was because of the attack but it was actually because I messed up, I let the league capture me and now I can't give the flowers to Uraraka. I failed.

When I got to my room, I changed clothes and laid in my bed. I just laid there thinking what could of happen if I were to manage to get Uraraka the flowers, but the only thought I had was "you aren't good enough for her, give up." I cried for a little while, not loud but enough to hurt myself mentally once again, but then I realized that these feelings wouldn't go anywhere until they are revealed to Uraraka, so I decided to text all might for help since I was out of ideas for who can help me. I still wanted to ask her out flowers or no flowers, it was my last chance to try to confess to Uraraka. I got my phone out and started texting him.

Izuku Midoriya

All Might I need your help

All Might: What is it young Midoriya?

All Might: Is it about the villain attack because you are now safe from them?

No, it's not that, it's something else

All Might: Then what is it young Midoriya?

I wanna ask a girl out

I was gonna buy her flowers but when I got captured the flowers were burned

All Might: Oh, well tell me who it is and I can help you

It's Ochako Uraraka

All Might: Well I don't know what to do


All Might: Hey look, all I can tell you is if it comes from the heart, then tell her what comes from the heart.

All Might: I can't tell you what to say because then it wouldn't come from the heart.

All Might: If you fear her saying no then you won't be able to do it. You have to hope for the best, not fear the worse got it young Midoriya.

Thanks all might, you really helped

All Might: No Problem.

Even though he didn't give me any tips for asking her out, I got everything I needed. While I was sitting in my room, I thought of everything everyone has said in the past few days. "Ochako has a crush on you"~Tsu. "I don't mean to get into any personal business, but does it have to do with Valentine's day and you trying to ask out someone and are too nervous too?"~Tokoyami. "Ok nerd, I can see you clearly have feelings for pink cheeks, I know especially after what we all saw from the training from yesterday... I don't really care too much, but I will tell you this, ask her out as soon as you can before she starts losing interest in you."~Kacchan.

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