February 12, Night-Time/Thoughts, Discussions, and Dreams

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---Uraraka P.O.V.---

It was getting late and the girls and I were talking, I was just thinking of the training and how Deku granted mercy. He had a strange look on his face like he was about to say something. He also looked like he was kneeling so it almost felt like a proposal, but the look on his face was more like he was sad, like if there was something he wanted but couldn't obtain. I wanted to know what happened thought his head and why it happened. I just was sipping on my caprisun while I thought about it.

"So Midoriya granted mercy on Ochako?" said Hagakure. "Well mercy isn't the right word but for you to understand basically he did." Said Yaomomo. "Ochako How did that feel?" said Jiro. "I- I don't know?" I said. "Well I am getting tired, oh and Midoriya has a crush on someone, I overheard heard him talk about asking out someone for valentines day with tokoyami but he tried to deny it and it was tokoyami who got it out of him but he didn't mention who it was." Said Mina.

"We will figure that out later but right now we got to go to sleep." Said Yaomomo. "Agreed, I am getting tired here," said Jiro. "Ok Good Night girls," I said. "Ochako, come with Tsu and me right now." whispered mina in my ear. I started to get worried but I followed them into the kitchen. Then they told me something I didn't believe at the time.

"Ochako, do you wanna know why Midroiya might have held back on that kick?" said mina. "Well I guess, it's getting me curious," I said. "Well this is just a guess it might not be true but we are 100% sure it is true and I think he feels the same way towards you," said Tsu. "What do you mean by 'feels the same way' Tsu?" I said nervously. "That he likes you and you also like him so it's a win-win for both of you :)" said mina. "0///-///0 WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM?!" I said. "We know you like him, I knew for some time and I have proof *ribbit*," said Tsu.

She showed me her phone and a conversation with him. She told Deku how I felt and explained that she thought that he thought that I didn't feel the same way. "Deku, likes me?" I said in shock. "Ok but you need to hear us out, he thinks you don't feel the same way and maybe he wants to ask you out for valentines," said Mina. "So we came up with a plan to make sure we're right about this, you will be spending most of the day with him tomorrow and just try to cheer him up. *ribbit*," said Tsu.

"Wait like a date?!" I said. "Well not really since we can't really go anywhere tomorrow since it will rain for a long while as we heard, meaning we will stay in the dorms," said mina, "Just try to make him feel happy around you, and maybe he will get the confidence to ask you out for valentines day." "We would tell you to just ask him yourself but we realized that it's best for him to do it himself *ribbit*," said Tsu.

"So I just kinda flirt with him?" I said. "Yeah pretty much," said mina, "and don't worry we won't tell anyone. :)" "Ok thanks for the help I guess." I said before going to my room. Back in my room, I thought to myself, "I couldn't believe Deku felt the same way, but he is just scared I don't feel the same way, but the girls said it was just a guess, which is why they didn't tell me to just ask him directly, I will figure out if he likes me back and then I will do a move." Then I went to sleep.

---Deku P.O.V.---

Kacchan was yelling at me the whole day but I just ignored him, I barely talked to anyone after that. I think people were on to me, but I knew Uraraka didn't feel the same way. Tokoyami and Tsu are probably the only ones to know I have a crush on a girl, Tsu might know who tho. I just went to bed and looked at some videos before going to sleep. Uraraka hasn't gotten out of my mind yet, and I didn't think she would soon. Once I went to sleep, I had a beautiful dream, of a beautiful angle that night.

The dream:

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