February 13, Night-Time/A Somewhat Perfect Plan

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---Uraraka P.O.V.---

We were watching the last movie, things were fine at the moment. Deku and I talked for hours this day, I think things were working. As we got near the end of the movie, things were getting a little too violent. "THIS MOVIE IS GETTING TOO VIOLENT! K*LLING CHILDREN! WE END IT HERE!" Said Lida. "Oh, this is the good part," said Bakugou, "And if you forgot how to read four eyes it has a more mature rating, but it's still safe for our age group to watch if you're too chicken to watch then leave."

So we ended up watching white army men murdering everyone in their way and few making it out alive. I was honestly getting a little scared. I hugged Deku to feel more comfortable. "Uraraka, are you a little scared?" Said Deku. "A little, just let me hug you," I said. He was comfortable to hug and cuddle a little on. As we saw another fight happen no one besides the people who had already watch this was ready to see this. Oh, and people laughed at the first part for some reason.

Yep, that happened. Everyone besides Todoroki, Bakugou, Tokoyami, and Shouji cried at least a little. Once the movie was about to end I recognized someone. "Wait a minute, that guy is the black-suited man in a cape with a helmet in that one other movie," I said. "This is his sad origin," said Kaminari. After we were done watching the movie, Deku and I once again talked for an hour about the movie. Once we were done we went to our dorm rooms. Well, I was going to go but Tsu and Mina wanted to know what I did. We talked in the common area.

"So Ochako, how did it go with Midoriya." Said Tsu. "Well I did talk to him a lot, I enjoyed talking to him," I said. "Ok now, what you will do is see if he tries to do something," said Mina, "We are starting to get sure he might like you." Then we all went to our dorm rooms and I went to get some rest, I had many emotions in tomorrow. I didn't think I could fall asleep soon, but I still tried to sleep before I don't get any of it.

---Deku P.O.V.---

I talked to Uraraka a lot today, I didn't know how my luck went up so high. I was starting to think to myself, "So Uraraka might have feelings for me, I can maybe try to ask her, no it's too late to do that now, I should have done it while we talked, well maybe I can ask her now, no she is probably tired, maybe I can do it by text, no that wouldn't be a good look for me but what if I..." I kept mumbling to myself. Then I came up with a somewhat perfect plan.

"There is a shop only about 15-20min. away from the school dorms that sell flowers, but it doesn't sell many but if I go there the least I can do is try to get her some since they should have enough. It's the least I can do now. But, there's a valentines party at 12:00 so I have to leave at 8:00 since the shop opens at 8:30. I should be back before anyone notices I am gone. I will just make the excuse that I needed to visit my mom for a little bit." I went to sleep, hoping my plan works.

---Shigiraki P.O.V.---

"Twice, Toga, Dabi, get ready for the job," I told them, I was hoping they would know what they were doing. I needed the kid alive.

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