February 13, Afternoon/Hiding Your Feelings

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---Uraraka P.O.V.---

Deku and I were talking for hours until it was 3:00 p.m. After Deku and I were done talking, class 1A went to watch the second movie. Well, it was actually the fifth movie but they made episodes 4, 5, and 6 first. "Oh, and one last thing," said Deku, "if someone says hello there, respond with general Kenobi, no questions asked." "Ok then," I said. We sat down and started watching, and I remembered some of the character's names that I still can't pronounce that well.

When we were into the part where the master and the apprentice meet the senator, I noticed the apprentice had fellings for the senator. But if Deku's information was correct, the Jedi couldn't love, or even make bonds, which was weird and unfair. I did understand why for the love part, but if they have to make a bond with their allies, why can't they make the bond dropper, even if it isn't romantic. Well, I was glad that in our class we could still do romantic relationships.

—-Deku P.O.V.—-

I think I got Uraraka into Star Wars. I was kinda surprised myself. I was starting to get anxious from the romantic scenes with Anakin and Padme. I didn't mind them, but when I had Uraraka in my head, it was a problem. When the kiss scene happened, there were mixed reactions from the class. "So he broke a rule?" Said Uraraka. "What rule?" Said Lida. "That they aren't allowed to love," replied Uraraka. "Oh yeah that detail," said Lida. "well they do fix that rule and end up together and there is a happy ever after right."

"Hehe." Said Kaminari, me, and everyone else who has watched the prequels. Kacchan said, "what actually happened is t-" but was interrupted by Kaminari who said, "we will get there when we get there." "Whatever," said Kacchan sitting down afterward. Time jump to about 1 hour and we get to the more action scenes where the droids and Jedi fight. I thought this would get my mind off of Uraraka, but the least it did is made me forget I wanted to ask her out for about 45 seconds.

Then when the movie ended. We talked about it. "Someone is breaking rules." Said Shoto referring to Anakin getting married to Padme in the movie. "Oh and he breaks more rules." Said Kaminari, "just watch clone wars and you will see." We planned to watch the last movie at about 6:00 p.m. and Uraraka and I talked once again about the second movie for hours. I went for a small meal before we watched the last movie, but I was greeted by Kacchan.

"Oh, this day just had to get bad." I thought to myself. "Ok nerd, I can see you clearly have feelings for pink cheeks, I know especially after what we all saw from the training from yesterday," said Kacchan. "so honestly I am surprised you haven't asked her out but I probably shouldn't be since you're a coward." "Kacchan it's not like that I swear!" I said nervously, "and why would you even care in the first place?!" "I don't really care too much, but I will tell you this, ask her out as soon as you can before she starts losing interest in you." Said Kacchan, then he left.

"Intrest?" I knew what he meant, but he was wrong, Uraraka had no intrest for me the same way I did, so in that case I don't know what he meant to tell me. It was almost time to watch the last movie so I continued to eat my small meal and then prepared to watch one last movie, I was still thinking about Uraraka at the time, there was no way to get her out of my head. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a problem but there was no ignoring it.

---Uraraka P.O.V.---

I kept talking to Deku all the time, and he seemed glad to talk to me, I wanted to tell him I loved him but honestly, I still wasn't sure of what Tsu and Mina's sai were true. I just decided to watch the last movie with the others. I thought to myself, "tomorrow was valentines day and maybe he is preparing something, or maybe he has already thought of something, or maybe I am just deceiving myself, and the girls were probally wrong." I tried to not think too much of tomorrow, but that was starting to get hard, especially when now Deku is on my mind, now more than usual.

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