死 | dead

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"What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone~?"

His voice was slurred, and he stunk as if he'd crawled out of some kind of pigsty. I dodged his stumbling figure that swung towards me, with a groan he hit the floor face down. I don't have the time for this bullshit! I gotta eat, it's getting bad! I felt warm saliva invade my mouth as it had begun to water. This isn't good, I can't commit a murder where it's so crowded, it's way too risky! I could make a run for it, but the only thing I could feel was the searing adrenaline rushing through my veins causing me to shake slightly. His stink was disgusting, but that only made my craving stronger.

Control yourself (Y/N)!

You can make it through this (Y/N), just hold in there a little longer!

No. I didn't want to 'hang in there'.

I needed something, anything! Even this intoxicated pig will do, plans didn't work out... So what?

As soon as he got up my body moved completely on its own, my mind fogged by the rushing adrenaline coursing through every inch of my body. Before I could even check if anybody was looking, my hand completely crushed his neck. The warmth of his blood tainted my hand, as soon as his body hit the ground and the smell of blood hit my nose I had completely succumbed to my bloodlust.

I was beyond saving, I'd been starving for too long. Self control was no longer an option at this point. I pulled the body into a pitch black area behind a dumpster before I began my meal. Bite after bite felt sweeter and juicier, leaving the next mouthful more ravishing than the previous one. I hadn't realized how genuinely hungry I was until I started actually eating. My face, hands, and chest were covered in this victim's blood, my mouth was dripping with his gore. Most of the fat and meat off his legs were eaten off, his intestines were half eaten and I could finally feel myself gaining control of my body again. My face was riddled with blood, it's iron taste began to sting my tongue. I was a little proud of myself, normally under these circumstances I would've still been hungry after one person. Instead, I was completely full, and the painful hunger completely dead. All that was left to get back home— without being seen soaked in some strangers blood.



Yushiro's talismans weren't useless after all, stick one of those bad boys on my forehead and activate it with my demon arts— I was completely good to go! I threw the unfortunate man by the dumpster after I was done with him, knowing the area it'll be assumed that some aggressive dogs got a hold of him. I don't like knowing the history of my victims, in case I might get guilt tripped. I never really counted on getting guilt tripped at all, but I always felt a little bad. That man probably had a family of his own too, I'm glad I left enough remains for them to at least bury. As weird as that sounds...

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