頑 | stubborn

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The final drafts, the papers you were working on so dearly ended up coming back to you damaged. Dried coffee and tea stains littered the paper smudging some of the ink, a gasp escaped your lips when you laid the papers on the low table before you.

It wasn't unreadable but a violent pang went through your heart when you saw how badly they treated your work.

"Those fuckers better be expecting a very angry phone call from me, you trusted them with your work and they treated it like that?! What's the publisher's personal number, I'll call his home—"

Yushiro ruffled his hair at his own frustration. You couldn't help but laugh about it, you cared about your work dearly. Seeing Yushiro fired up about it made you feel a lot better.

"They should have the entire thing printed if it goes well, so there's really no issue," you shrugged it off, however you were very pissed alongside Yushiro.

He wasn't convinced, raising his voice even more, "That's not the point! This is your work and they need to respect the effort you put into it! It's beyond disrespectful!"

You sighed, "Calm down, it'll be okay. I'll make a comment when I talk with the publisher again."

Yushiro stomped towards the telephone hanging on the wall, "Well I'll make a comment about it now!"

You didn't stop him, instead you just watched him angrily spin the dial and patiently for it to ring through the office. A small click and he was connected to the other line and then disconnected before he could even get a syllable out of his mouth.

"What the fuck?!"

Yushiro stared in disbelief at the phone in his hand, he put it back before he would end up crushing it in his grip. With a menacing glare, he raised his head.

"Looks like I'll fucking kill them instead..."

In a desperate- more pathetic attempt, to calm him down you held your hands up.

"Hey hey! It's a Sunday so it's likely they might be closed!"

Yushiro slammed his hand into the wall, causing a dent in the wood.

"God can have a word about this too--"

Sure you were kind of upset they treated your writing so carelessly but not as much to confront them so aggressively. You never really knew Yushiro cared so much about your work, it was a nice feeling.

However, you didn't want to risk your novel series to be discontinued because Yushiro decided to kill all of them.

You were conflicted when you looked back at the mess of papers, they arrived disorganized and stained. You sighed again, the demon on the other side of the room saw your confliction on your face and sat down with you.

"I'm frustrated too, but yelling at them isn't going to fix it. However, the first novel just got released a few days ago, isn't that exciting?" you quickly changed the subject, perking up at thought, "I'm so excited to hear feedback from readers all over Japan!"

You quickly gathered all of the papers in a disorderly pile, and put them to the side. Trying to happily change the subject was your specialty, after a bit of rummaging through the newspaper in your lap you pulled out a page featuring an ad from your publisher company. Your book was in the front as well as a summary and the author, the publishers claiming it was a 'never-seen before adventure!'.

"This doesn't change the fact that they disrespected your work in the manner they did." Yushiro commented coldly.

"I changed the subject because I don't want to talk about it stupid," your insults were dry but he got the message and stayed silent.

You perked up once you thought of something else.

"Wanna take a bath together?"

Yushiro's face was flushed with red. His entire upper half felt like fire.

"What's with you and bath's? I bathed that one time you asked me to, now leave me alone!" he huffed, turning his head away from you to avoid the embarrassment.

You hit your hand on the low table softly, "Yeah but that was a good few years ago! I'm kind of surprised you even remember that, I hardly do."

"How could I forget? You almost stripped me naked in the middle of the living area, I wanted to kill you!"

You smiled wider, "You always want to kill me, sorry〜" you sang out.

With a frustrated huff he stormed off into his little room down the hall, before he closed the door he muttered something.

"You're lucky I'm in love with you."

You didn't hear it, you saw his mouth move but the words never reached your ears. Yushiro was thankful for that, but he also wished you could hear it. He wishes you could know all the things he thinks about you, what you think about him.

Yushiro closed the door and sunk to the floor, anger rummaging through his veins. Who was he so angry at? Himself? The men that ruined your writing? You?

The image of you flashed inside the demon's mind, his stomach fluttering— dissolving the heat in his body his anger gave him.




Sometimes you could make him so angry, with your cocky jokes or your endless teasing. He loved it too, he loved your voice. He loved the way you make him feel.

Yushiro hated the confusion, out of his hundreds of years of being alive this feeling never made sense to him. Yet it continues to always feel foreign no matter how much his body like it's on cloud 9.


You are so perfect, at times he didn't understand it almost.

He wasn't envious. He wasn't angry anymore. Yushiro was in love, and you loved him back.

It's still going to take decades for that to finally sink into him.



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an//: a bit of a shorter chapter,, sorry :/

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