Chapter 1: Day One, Greenie

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

Water filling my lungs. Feeling like I was drowning. My whole body, numb. I didn't know where I was, but I know what I saw. These people, wearing lab coats, standing above me, looking down at me. If they didn't do that, they'd be writing something down. Then, this boy... a dark haired boy. He looked really familiar. Along with a girl, with bright blue eyes. Their eyes would stay on me, while I banged on the glass, trying to get out of this tub of water.

Many people would come and just look at me. A lot of them were wearing lab coats. There was this blonde woman. Her expression would be blank all the time. But, I could see some emotion laying in her eyes, I just wasn't sure what type. Just then, I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head, blacking out.

I felt my senses come back. I heard the sound of gears all around me. It was really loud. The smell of metal came through my nostrils. Suddenly, I bolted up right, gasping, coughing out water. Sweat was dripping down my forehead, going all over my face. I couldn't catch my breath. I was hyperventilating. I looked around at the small space I was in, just to see boxes around me.

I felt like I was moving up, making me look at the metal walls, seeing that this box type of thing was rushing upwards. I stumbled to get to my feet, but made it without falling. I put my hands on the surface, pushing it, trying to find my way out of here, while the box kept going up, moving faster and faster.

"HEY! HELP ME!" I screamed over the loud noise.

I continued banging on the top, until the box came to a stop, making me fall back on my butt, and crawl to the corner. I pulled my my knees to my chest, as a bright light came above me, making me cover my eyes with one of my arms. I heard whispering from above, making me move my arm, blinking a couple times to get use to the light, before I saw the faces of boys standing there, looking at me in confusion.

There was no girls.


Just boys.

"It's a girl?"

"Holy klunk!"

"She hot?"

"What the shuck!"

They kept saying many things I didn't understand one bit. I tried crawling back further into the little corner I was in, if that was even possible, while looking up at the boys who kept saying things, their eyes on me. Suddenly, a sound of feet hitting the metal rang through my ears, also making the boys quiet down, but they still kept their eyes on me.

I buried my face in my arms, holding my knees against my chest still. I felt hot breath on my forehead, that was still sticking out, causing me to look up and see a boy crouched down right in front of me. I studied him. He was big, like he looked strong. His eyebrows were kind of weird. He had short hair. And blue eyes. I looked back into his eyes, seeing he held a concern expression, till it changed to a blank one instantly.

"Day one, greenie."

I couldn't even process what happened after that. He had grabbed onto my shoulders harshly, before tossing me out of the metal box, landing on my side. All the other boys crowded me, making me crawl away, backwards, my eyes widening in fear. I met the boys eyes again, and he still held a blank expression. But, it changed once he saw the fear in my eyes.

"Alright! Enough!" He shouted, "Leave her alone, and get back to work!"

The boys seemed to have shown fear once he shouted at them, and they obeyed, walking away from us. The boy before, cautiously walked towards me, his face softening. I didn't move, at all. For some reason, I felt like I could trust this guy. He crouched in front of me, gently touching my knee, but even so, I flinched, making him bring his hand away.

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