Chapter 12: Gally?

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

It was dark and silent, except for our heavy breathing. I felt many arms on me, which made me feel safe and calm, knowing that my best friends were okay. Though some people, didn't make it, or didn't join.

Like Gally.

Just then, a light erupted the room next to me, making me turn my head and see Teresa opening a door, leading somewhere. She was one of the people who had a grip on me, on my hand. She walked through the door, me following and everyone else afterwards.

Once I walked through, I stood in a long dark hallway. Both ends leading somewhere, but we didn't know where. Suddenly, the lights from one side of the hallway turned on, and moved to the other side of the hallway, continuing.

I glanced at Thomas, him doing the same, before he grabbed my other hand and started walking in one direction, everyone following. Pretty soon, we stopped at a door, a big EXIT sign sat above it.

"Seriously?" Frypan complained.

I glanced at Thomas again, putting my hand on the handle, turning it, before walking through, Thomas, Teresa, and everyone else following. A lab was revealed on the other side, including many dead bodies laying everywhere. We all walked around, searching the place.

"What happened here?" Chuck asked.

No one answered.

"So they were watching us. This whole time." Newt spoke up, looking through some cameras.

I stopped at a desk, screens in front of it, while many buttons laid on the desk. I glanced up, meeting those brown eyes and blue eyes.

Thomas and Teresa.

This was just like my memories. This is where we worked. Watching everyone die in the maze. I glanced down, breaking the eye contact with them, and my gaze stopped on a red button that was flashing. Curiosity getting the best of me, I shakily pushed it, before a woman's voice spoke.


I turned my head, seeing a screen show up a couple feet away, an older blonde woman was on it, speaking.

"My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I'm Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department." She continued.

I walked forwards, standing right in front of the screen, everyone else behind me.

"If you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you... but circumstances seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now, you must all be very confused... angry, frightened. I can only assure you, that everything that's happened to you... everything we've done to you... it was all done for a reason. You won't remember... but the Sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost to fire... famine... suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse. We called it the Flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent... unpredictable... incurable. Or so we thought." Ava Paige continued.

While she was talking, it first showed pictures and videos of large fires, spreaded eveywhere. Then, it showed the virus, the Flare. A man appeared on the screen, veins crawled all over his body, as he was being pinned down by some doctors.

"In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed... inside harsh environments... where their brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to understand, what makes them different... what makes you different. You may not realize it... but you're very important."

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