See You Again

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I nervously walked through the hallways. Almost nearly tripping over some younglings as I was walking to the council room. Only a few minutes ago, my commlink rang. Master Windu ordered me to seek the council at once. I had just gotten knighted, so I wasn't sure what this would be about. My long (Y/H/C) hair swayed as I walked.

As I arrived I pushed open the doors to the room, the ongoing chatter seemed to quiet. I looked around the room, nodding to all the Jedi Masters. Until I heard a familiar voice.

"(Y/N)?" I heard. I turned around as the boy's eyes met mine. 

"Anakin" I said with almost a little disappointment. I never really liked Anakin. He was such a player. He got everything he wanted because he was the so called 'Chosen One' but I never saw him as anything more than a cocky jedi padawan. Girl's practically melted in his presence, his playboy type manner got him around quite well. However, everyone knew he had ties with the beautiful senator from Naboo.

I then looked away, and back to the Council. "If I may ask" I spoke up, "Why have we been called here?" I looked to Master Obi-Wan and then to Master Yoda.

"Mission with Young Skywalker, you have" I always found it funny how Yoda talked.

"You two will be headed to Caladan, to research some possible smuggling trades going on" Obi-Wan added. His voice was firm.

"How long will we be going?" Anakin asked. Looking to Master Kenobi.

"8 months at the least" he replied looking down. Obi-Wan and Anakin had a very strong bond. Seeing his padawan go for so long would be hard.

"8 months?!" I asked surprised. I could barely spend 8 minutes alone in proximity with Anakin, let alone 8 months.

"Yes, there is a underground room where you shall stay hidden. Lot's of bounty hunter's rule those parts so you must stick together." Mace said without breaking his stare.

"Disguises we have planned" Yoda added. He then signaled for us to follow him. It felt like an hour until they reached an apartment, that was farther away from the temple. It was Padme's apartment. As the door's flew open,  her warm presence could be felt everywhere. 

"(Y/N)! Oh my gosh you have grown so much" Padme exclaimed, "Oh how I've missed you" We then shared a lengthy embrace. She then looked over to Anakin, who I saw winked at her. She blushed. I swore I saw him kiss her cheek, but I was walking inside already.

"Okay, (Y/N) your stuff is over here,"  she showed me to a small room. I found a bed with everything I would be wearing. It was a black skin tight suit. Tighter than I would've liked but good for fighting. With black boots. Then assortments of grenades, blasters, smoke bombs, and other gadgets. Then I saw a satin black floor length dress. A high slit came up the side, and it had matching black strappy heels.

"Padme!" I sort of whisper yelled, "Why did you get me a dress?" I looked at her with question.

"You never know when you might be needing one" She winked, and then gave me a sly smile while walking out. Probably headed to Anakin's room. I then started to pack everything into the backpack we were given. I left out the outfit I would be departing in. In the backpack we had medical supplies, some extra weapons and accessories. I started to undress to change into the suit as I felt a presence. I turned around to see Anakin leading in the doorway.

"Care to knock" I sneered at him, lifting my tunic back over my shoulders.

"No" He simply said, "We leave in an hour so please don't hold me up" He snapped back. He then walked out the door.

"My god he is so annoying" I said under my breath. I then stripped the tunic off and got dressed into the suit. It was definitely tight. I wonder if Padme put a word in for this. It was short-sleeved and it zipped a quarter way down. I left it for the most part unzipped. I then clipped on my utility belt. I strapped some grenades and the dual blasters on and made my way to the bathroom. I then put my hair in dutch braids, leading into a high ponytail.

"Hm, Not so bad" I thought to myself. I then slid some armor into the slots the pants held. Lastly, I hid my lightsabers in my backpack. We weren't supposed to use them on the mission, but bring them just incase. I walked out to find Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, Padme and Anakin.

"I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show up" I heard Anakin say. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh nonsense Ani," Padme said walking over to me, "Did you pack it?" She asked, nudging me with a small smile.

"Yes, I packed it" I sighed and gave a small chuckle. I wasn't one for dresses but I wouldn't mind wearing one for a little bit.

"Pack what?" Anakin asked. His brows furrowed as he squinted at me.

"None of your business" I replied back. I then swung the backpack over my other shoulder as I went to say my goodbyes. I walked up to Master Kenobi. I loved him like a father figure, he always was there when I needed to talk to him. I brought him into a warm embrace, and stayed there for a little while. All was well until Anakin interrupted.

"Alright my turn, let's get a move on" He waited impatiently.

I scoffed and turned to Master Yoda. "Well I can tell you two are going to be great partners" Obi-Wan exclaimed with sarcasm. But I wasn't really paying attention because I was embracing the other Master. I pulled away and turned to Padme, and I practically ran into her arms. Padme and I had always been close. We always talked about boys and crushes, however hers was always Anakin. You would sometimes catch Anakin flirting with other women, however most of his loyalties lied with Padme. I did the only nice thing I could do, and I called Master Yoda and Master Kenobi to walk with me, so they could have alone time. I did it for Padme, never in a million years would I ever do it for Anakin. I turned back and winked at Padme, and she smiled sweetly back appreciating the gesture. I walked and talked with them about our mission for about 20 minutes, gaining some very valuable info. Like how once we got there, someone would be there to pick us up. They wouldn't be noticeable, but they would make an odd hand gesture, and we would sure notice it. They didn't tell me what the gesture was, only that I would definitely pick up on it. As we came back to the room I saw Anakin and Padme on the couch not talking whatsoever , clearly a little more disheveled than before.

"Time to go it is" Yoda said while hobbling over. Anakin got up without saying a word to Padme. He then stood slightly behind me as our Master's said there goodbyes.

"What was that all about?" I asked Anakin as we were boarding the ship. I tried to create conversation knowing I couldn't spend eight months hating him.

"Stay out of my kriffing business!" He turned and yelled straight in my face. I felt my face turn red in embarrassment. "Wait (Y/N)-" I heard him start to say, but I just put my hand up signaling him to stop. I looked down and put my backpack down in a small room with a small cot. I then walked up to the cockpit, flipping switches and starting up the engine. I heard his boots walk up behind me, he sat in the pilot chair while I co-piloted.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" I turned and saw as Anakin's deep blue eyes practically stared into my soul.

"Wow you've never really been the type to apologize" I said with surprise, he chuckled a little bit, "it's okay" I looked back over at him.

"It's just Padme and I-" he looked down in sadness. 

"You don't have to tell me" I said looking at him

"Padme and I broke up" He sighed. He then turned to look at me.

"She is probably just upset about the mission, once you get back home everything will be fine" I said looking at the dashboard.

"Yeah whatever" He shook his head. His normal ass-hat attitude was back.

In the next few moments I made the jump to lightspeed.

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