The Castle

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We got back to our little hideout a little bit later. We had to be very stealthy, we didn't want Hondo and his friends to find us again. Anakin made me sit down on the bed as he grabbed the medical supplies. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" I heard Anakin whisper, his usually rough tone disappeared when he was aiding to my cheek. His fingers were so gentle on my broken skin. 

"Yes I promise" I said with a small smile. I could not help but notice the space between us was quite small. His glittering blue eyes stared deep into my soul. My heart rate picked up. I could feel my cheeks turn red. Shit. I didn't want to love Anakin, but a burning desire lingered in my heart. But I shut the feelings out, he loved Padme and I am a jedi.

"Uh- I am going to contact the council and tell them what we found" I finally said breaking the silence. I felt his hand drop from my cheek. He just nodded and got up. He picked up the medical supplies. I then pulled up a hologram of the council.

"Greetings masters" I nodded to them as they greeted me back.

"Ah young (Y/N), what brings you to speak with us?" I heard Master Windu say.

"Anakin and I found a possible lead to a separatist leader in the dealings of smuggling death sticks" I replied. Multiple whispers went through the room. I continued, "We met a band of pirates, and their leader who goes by Hondo. We were trapped but we escaped, we found out he has been working with the separatists and helping with the smuggling." I finished.

"A great find this is, (Y/N)" Master Yoda chimed in.

"I can't help but have a slight thought that their may be an outer source of power. Surely Hondo and his small band of pirates couldn't be the head of the operation. They would need a supplier with power on this planet. Someone like a queen" I said the last part with a lower tone. It was a controversial topic but I spoke my mind. I turned to see Anakin wink at me, he was leaning against the wall in the corner.

"(Y/N) do you really believe the queen could be behind this?" Obi-Wan stroked his beard through the hologram. I saw visible confusion on his, and many other jedi masters faces.

"I am not saying she is the leader of the smuggling operation here on Caladan, however we've been here for 3 months now and all we can find is smaller groups of smugglers. I believe they're working for the higher power." I stayed very calm.

"Interesting your point of view is, go to the castle you must" Yoda said looking to the other masters. They all nodded. "Any information you can get out, is extremely important" Kit Fisto added.

I nodded to them, "Then it's settled, Anakin and I will go undercover into the palace" I said with a little too much excitement. I saw a few masters chuckle a little.

"May the force be with you both" Obi-Wan nodded.

"May the force be with you" I said before ending the call.

I looked over to Anakin who smiled while he pushed off the wall. He came over to where I stood. He towered over me. He smiled down.

"Well, princess don't you look excited" He said with a small grin.

"Do not call me princess" I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Sorry sweetheart" He challenged. He smirked and crossed his arms. I scoffed and then jabbed him in the side. He squirmed a little as I then tried to run past him.

"Oh no you don't" He laughed as he wrapped his hands around my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey put me down!" I said hitting his back. He threw me onto the bed and proceeded to tickle me. I was laughing so hard tears started to fall down my face.

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