I'm glad to be back

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(Y/N)'s POV

I pulled out of hyperspace and into the main star system rights outside of Alderaan. When I was taking off I let the force guide me and I imagined and felt where the battle was about to occur. I saw a beautiful landscape, and a big wide open field. I immediately recognized Alderaan.

I pulled right to where the atmosphere was, and I released the cockpit door. I accounted for my sabers, and my special dagger.

I jumped and wrapped my light force aura around me. I ditched the fighter, I was grateful for it, but I didn't need it any longer.

I zoomed into the atmosphere, the beautiful land of Alderaan was even prettier up close. I flew over to where the battle was happening. It seems the Jedi and the clones had failed to take on the droids.

I don't blame them, their were thousands of them. 

I saw them over behind a set of boulders, the entire battalion and master's. I couldn't make out who it was but there were a few. I couldn't sense Palpatine here, but he sent his droids to do his dirty work. 

(Play Back in Black ACDC)

"Coward" I muttered under my breath. I unraveled the light force around me and landed in a crouch into the middle of the battlefield. The landing sent a wave of shock through the ground. I smirked under my sheer power.

I looked up from the ground at the droids. They had commando droids, regular clankers, and heavy assault droids. There were thousands but I'd be fine. 

The droids hadn't shot at me yet. I stood up to face them.

"Hey you're a Jedi" One of them pointed out. I laughed at his statement.

"Wrong," I tsked, "I'm your worst nightmare" I smirked. I ignited my sabers at my sides and charged towards the crowd of helpless metalheads.

"Get her!" I heard one of them yell.

"Catch me if you can" I laughed as I flipped around them. Slashing down the oncoming waves. I grabbed two droids and used the force to smash them together in the air. I jumped on top of one of the heavy assault droids and used light orbs that formed in my hand to take out an entire battalion. I spun around on the shoulders of the droid, using the laser like beam to knock every one down. I then grabbed my lightsabers and sliced the droid I was standing on in half.

Another wave charged towards me, this time from all sides. I was surrounded. I spun in all directions blocking every shot, and sending it back to it's original owner.

I force jumped into the air. I wrapped my arms around myself and spun as fast as possible. Building up the light energy inside me. I came back to the ground still spinning. I let go, and flipped backwards, landing in a crouch. The sheer energy I had created was exerted when I touched the ground. It sent a wave of light that knocked down at least 2 waves of droids.

I looked up to see another wave of droids, and right behind them a walker that started shooting at me. An idea shot through my brain. I sprinted up to the droids, and force jumped over the wave. I ran straight to the walker. I started jumping up the tall thing. I jumped onto one of the leg's, dodging the shot's the droids now were aiming at me. I continued up. The climb was easy, I had done this so many times before. I made it to the base of the walker, and swung onto a handle that been right underneath the control area. I flipped up onto the top of the walker.

I swung open the hatch.

"Hey you're not a droid!" A standard droid  yelled. But I went down, grabbed his head, and snapped it off without hesitation. I threw his body to the side and sat down in the chair. I quickly closed the hatch and grabbed the controls.

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