Family Reunion

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The warmth of Anakin was short lived however, when Ahsoka came barreling into the room. Her eyes widened with surprise as she saw us together, but she was to busy panting to say something.

"Soka what is it" Anakin questioned

"Palpatine's........armies.........the farming district" she choked out.

I ran from my bed to my wardrobe to throw on my suit as fast as possible. The farming district housed hundreds of thousands of people. They farmed food for most of Coruscant, and they were where the school's were located. Anakin, Ahsoka and I ran out of my room and straight to the armory in the training room. The cache of weapons was more than impressive. We all grabbed some detonators and such and ran out. I clipped my utility belt on and of course smeared the paint on my face.

It helped me feel a little more hidden.

We hopped into the ship East already had ready and we took off to the farming district. If Palpatine had it surrounded...we were in a lot more trouble. There are kids, and families there all being held at gunpoint.

"How are we supposed to get them out of there?" Ahsoka yelled over the air. The doors to the ship were open, we really hadn't had time to close them.

Distraction. We needed a distraction.

"Me" I said

"What about you" East scoffed.

"You need a distraction" I said.

"(Y/N) no" Anakin warns.

"He's most likely at the gates, I draw him somewhere else and you file the people out through the main entrance. It's the only way out I used to hangout down there with a few old friends" I finished.

It's true. My friends were farmers and I knew the district like the back of my hand. It would have to be a damn good distraction because it was a big area and tons of people.

"I don't like this idea (Y/N)" East warns from the front.

"Too bad, where are you going to take the refugees?" I ask Anakin.

"There is a cruiser waiting far enough away, but we can still get too" He mumbles, I nod and look out the window to see where I'm about to drop.

The worst part is the one they don't know, I'm going to land right in front of Palpatine. Dangle myself right in front of his nose and lead his forces out.

"Holy shit" Ahsoka mumbles as she looks out the side. I frown and look out and gasp.

They have the whole district on their knees with guns to their faces. Oh fucking stars, not good.

However I see my opening, a building right in front of Palpatine, where he sat on his little black throne he set up. His hood up and a darkness in the void around him. Although I fucking hate the man, he sure knows how to send chills down your spine.

"See you on the other side" I say as I give a two finger salute and fall back without hesitation. I hear Anakin yell my name and he sticks his head out of the carrier. I wink at him with a sly smirk.

Now if there's anything I should be known for, it's that I can make a hell of an entrance. I flip in the air so I'm bombing head first towards the top of the building, my hands at my sides. The air behind me is gold smoke, as I descend out of the sky.

As I near the top, I pull out of my dive bombing pose and I land on my knee in a crouch. The ground shakes and an explosion of golden power erupts from the sheer power of me. Although I hated my mother, those 8 months of mental and physical training served me damn well.

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