The Game Plan

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"Alright your sure they have the military strategies in that tower?" I ask Rex.

"Positive commander. They must've kidnapped one of our clones and taken his data pad on a different battle and have been using it. They know every single move of ours." He replies.

I nod and gesture for him to join us at the table. Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Plo Koon are at the table. Along with a few other clones.

"Alright here's-" I start explaining the plan before the one and only Anakin interrupts.

"Excuse me, (Y/N) but this is my battalion, my strategies" He snaps. I give him a scowl and wait for him to explain his plan. Everyone shifts uncomfortably.

"We attack them head on. We take every single man we got and push through till were at the door. Once were there we go in through the main doors, and get to the top before they send reinforcements." He finishes with a proud smirk. Wow. He is such an idiot.

"Not to burst your little chosen one bubble but your plan sucks general," I continue, "If you had studied the land, you would know that about a 1/2 click north of the control tower, there is small mountain pass. We advance to the mountain pass. Half the battalion takes the right ridge, and half the battalion takes the left." I zoom in on the holo-map to show the mountain pass and where troops would be deployed. 

"I can create an explosion of some sort to draw the droids in. Guessing by the size of the tower, I'll say they'll send a battalion of droids because they don't want to lose that Republic information. While I create the distraction, General Skywalker can take a group of his best men, hidden around the back in these trees right here," I point to the small forest at the start of the pass, "once you see all the droids between the two ridges, you come up from behind, while I give the signal to the troops up top to open fire. By then they will be surrounded with no where to run." I finish with a deathly glare towards Anakin.

God how I hated him. Always holding his head so goddamn high. He has a lust for war, I can sense it. He likes brute strength, over strategic methods.

"Excellent plan commander (Y/L/N), but where's the escape plan?" Plo Koon pipes up. He shifts towards the table to look at me.

"I'm glad you asked Master," I said with a smirk. I switched the hologram to a different small ridge.

"About 1 click west of the mountain pass there is a small ridge we can hide the transport ships behind. Once we finish off the droids, I only really need Skywalker's small group, and myself with the addition of a few clones. It's safer to travel lighter, there are less men to account for. The other 3/4 of the 501st head back to the transport ships, and wait for our signal. Once we kill the remaining droids in the tower, and steal the strategies back, we will give them a signal to come pick us up. It's the best and fastest way without running into separatist reinforcements" I finish. I put both my hands on the edge of the holo-table. I wait for a response. All the master's and clones look at each other.

"(Y/N) it's incredible" Obi-Wan says stroking his beard. He nods with approval. I can't help but flash him a smile. I can stay mad at Anakin but never Obi-Wan.

"Good work kid" I hear Fives say from behind me. He put's a hand on my shoulder. I look back and he nods.

"You will lead this mission, Commander (Y/L/N)" Plo Koon nods and everyone departs from the table.

Anakin grumbles and then goes and complains to Obi-Wan. Typical. He was always complaining about something.

Ahsoka walks over to a transport ship, and I walk closely behind her. A few clones pile in behind us. We leave the doors up, because the area to land behind the ridge is super small, and we need someone to help the pilot land.

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