May We Meet Again Soon

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I stood there like an idiot. But my feet didn't dare move.

"Oh (Y/N)!" I heard Padme squeal from bed. Anakin's shirt was off and his arm was securely wrapped around Padme's petite stature. Just like how he held me.

Before he could register me standing there like a tree, and Padme squealing my name, he had pressed a soft kiss to her neck. His eyes widened as he heard my name swiftly come out of her mouth. His head turned with what looked like utter shock.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize you two were here" I said choking back tears. I stood my ground, but on the inside, my world was crumbling. Every ounce of trust and love drained from my body. The worst part is Anakin didn't even speak one word. He just sat there, shocked, not knowing what to say.

"I'll be on my way now" I said promptly before turning on my heels to the door. I opened the door and slammed it, but not before hearing my name being called. I didn't even want to recognize whose it was. But the second that door slammed shut, the tears I kept back spilled out. Streaming all over my face. I didn't even run. I just walked. Walked and walked and walked some more. People looked at me as I sobbed, but no one stopped me. Eventually I made it to the mountain's. I walked to the top. Nothing crossed my mind. Just tears. It was official, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)'s  so called 'unbreakable' heart had been shattered into a million pieces.

It was even worse when I made it to the ledge. Our favorite spot. The first place we told each other we loved each other. He promised...

My once shattered heart filled with anger. I ripped my commlink from my pocket and called the council faster than you could say the word 'Jedi'.

They picked up, and their faces immediately dropped. They saw the tear stained face I had on.

"(Y/N)-" Obi-Wan started but I immediately interjected.

"What was Anakin's mission?" I asked with gritted teeth. None of them spoke.

"What was Anakin's mission?" I repeated with more authority. More anger. More fear. More hate.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat before speaking.

"Anakin's mission was to seduce you" He said a little awkwardly, but I didn't care, my already broken heart had been set fire. He continued, "You and Anakin are both apart of incredibly important prophecies. These prophecies are linked, but true power can only be unbound by feelings of true affection" He said the last part a little lower. "The council knew you were the one the prophecy spoke of, but we kept it hidden in case of the Sith coming after you. Anakin's mission was to make you fall in love with him so your powers would arise, and we could begin training you, much like we did with Anakin" He finished. I know the council felt bad because they were all looking down. Not meeting my eyes.

"So it was all fake" I whispered, tears brimmed my eyes.

"Mean to hurt you, we did not" Yoda replied with sympathy. I could tell he was hurt. Him and Obi-Wan were like father's to me.

"Well it seems you failed miserably" I remarked, they all looked even more hurt, "How could you do this Obi-Wan? You were my father, I loved you" I almost said in a whisper tone. Tears now streamed down from my eyes. He couldn't even look at me. But I could sense his heart broke a little too.

"To be attached is not the Jedi way" Master Windu finally spoke up over about a minute.

"I'm no Jedi" I sneered.

Their eyes widened in shock.

"But-" Yoda spoke up.

But I held my hand up to stop him.

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