Chapter 29

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Found picture in pinterest. And that's Y/n as a kid going through a LOT.
3rd person.
(Y/n) shut downed and looked like she was actually taken out for good. Or so everyone thought, including her... (Y/n) jinchuriki woke up. Even though you can transform into your dragon form, it's not your jinchuriki actually helping you. It's like you use your own chakra in a dragon form.
Your six-headed dragon woke up. And that's what you were scared of. You knew that if anything happened to you, your jinchuriki would take matters into its own hands. You are still somewhere in there, but it will take time for you to take over your own body.

(Y/n) pov.
"Don't kill anyone. Just try to get us out of here. Take us somewhere were no one will interfere. If you hurt anyone then we'll be done for good. You have to listen to me Sabastion." "Don't worry (Y/n). I don't want anything to happen to you. I'll respect your request. Since you've been good to me." Me and my jinchuriki Sabastion, talked coming to an agreement.
Even if i have to leave and move on. Never turning back; then so be it. I prefer leaving then killing people or getting myself killed. Me and my jinchuriki actually had a good bond. Weird to say, but he was my bestfriend.

Lady Tsunade pov.
I see (Y/n) moving turning back into a dragon form. This time the chakra was stronger than before. "Everyone step back, but stay on guard." I command because something seemed off. As (Y/n) transformed back to her dragon form, she stretched?! "Ah! Hello humans. no worries I am not here to hurt y'all. My little friend (Y/n) told me not to hurt y'all. So you don't hurt me and i won't hurt y'all."
"What do you mean 'My little friend (Y/n)'? If your not (Y/n) then who are you?" I asked so confused and scared. "Oh! Yes, my name is Sabastion, the actual jinchuriki. Anyways, i need to get out of here so pardon me. I'll be on my way." 'WTF WHY IS A DRAGON SO POLITE?' I asked myself.
"Why are you leaving? What will happen to (Y/n)? We can't let a jinchuriki fly around." i ask these questions worried for (Y/n), but mostly for the village. "No worries, munchkin will be perfectly fine!" Sabastion the jinchuriki said calling (Y/n) 'munchkin'.

Jinchuriki Sabastion pov.
It's funny how they act like they actually care. All they care about is her power. "Look people I have to go." I say opening my wings. "No! You can't go we don't know if there's actually an (Y/n). Who knows maybe you just took form as a women. We need to keep captive." The blond lady said.
"I can't transform into random people. And you can't. And i won't let you keep us captive . Admit it, you just want us for our power. You never really cared about (Y/n). She put herself in danger so i wouldn't have to come out, but look at me. So i suggest you to fuck off and let me handle the rest. I've known her all her life."
(Y/n) is actually like my bestfriend, strange coming from a jinchuriki who is supposed to want to be free. (Y/n) was strange and could communicate with me whenever she wanted, which was always. I could feel her pain and those emotions brought us together.Strange right?
Kakashi pov.
"I need to get out of here! I feel better. It's just some scratches." I get my way out of hospital to (Y/n). I see she's still in her dragon form. But a couple of minutes she looked so weak and now she's better? "She put herself in danger so i wouldn't have to come out, but look at me." I heard from a deep loud man voice.
"Tsundae! What's going on?!" "Kakashi, your supposed to stay in the hospital!" "Whatever i'm fine! Where's my baby? Where is she? What's going on?" I said not caring what people had to say. "She's somewhere in there. Right now her jinchuriki took over. He wants to leave. Supposedly that was (Y/n) request." Tsundae said. "Jinchuriki! What happened to (Y/n)!"
The jinchuriki was already in the air flapping its wing. "Kakashi! Don't worry, (Y/n) will be okay trust me." it spoke to me in that deep loud voice. For some reason i trust him. I know she'll be safe. "Kakashi you know she that could've been a good weapon for the leaf village?! You should've said something."
"Tsundae, I don't give a damn about her powers! I don't give a damn about anything. She's all i had and i was all she had. So stop thinking of her as a weapon. She's been through a lot and that's all you think about?" I said leaving. I plan on following the Jinchuriki. I don't care if i become a 'threat' for the village.

Itachi pov.
I should follow them. In case something happens to (Y/n). I can't let Kisame get there first. He might want to use her for money or something. I know i'm no good for her. All i will do is bring her trouble. And even if we try to capture her, there's no way we can beat her. She's strong on her own. And once her own strength is done, her jinchuriki takes over.
I just want to make sure she's okay before i leave. I know Kakashi will take good care of her. Never did i think i would fall in love again. It's good to know that i've fallen in love with someone. Maybe this is the last person i ever fall in love with.

Author: So i kinda wanted you and ur jinchuriki to have a friendship. And I wanted to like make a jinchuriki who actually had feelings like yk what i mean? It's hard to explain. My mind just comes up with random stuff. Anyways i want to make a haikyuu story too. After this story, but idk should i?!

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