Chapter 30

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Author: Thank you to each and every one of y'all who are reading and voting on my story! love y'all <3 And credit to Warriorctas on deviantart!

2nd person pov.
As Sabastion flies away to a forest far from where the village, you start to gain conscious. You know so many jutsu that no one know that they exist.

Y/n pov.
                               *Flash back*
Younger you: 'Okay! Maybe if  I do dog, horse monkey, and who knows what this is.' *Poosh* 'Little girl how did you manage to take me out and still keep me tied to you. And worst part of it is that i'm little!'
                         *End of flash back*
I gain conscious and do my smaller release jutsu. "Hey, Sabastion. So how was it?" i was able to speak in a weak voice. "Oh! Y/n, they made me talk a lot and I was able to get out without hurting anyone. I have to say that blond women only wants your power. Well she wants us." Sabastion says in his smaller form. He has one head in this form. Yet he's powerful in this form.
"Then we'll leave, I'm pretty sure Jiraiya will be back anytime soon. I can sense him even if he's a village away." I said while Sabastion starts a fire. "Can you feel the visitors too? I'll put our protection jutsu." Sabastion put up protection jutsu.

Kakashi pov.
I got to get to her. Who knows, 'she might be hurt, suffering, or hungry. And shes can be in more danger due to those two. What if she can't fight in her condition?!'  I speak to myself. I look around for Y/n, as it gets darker. I can see light reflecting from this clear shiny ball. 'Is that some type of protection jutsu?' I get closer to get a better look. I see Y/n with a small dragon by her side. If I have to leave with her, then so be it! I can't watch her leave while I just stay here and watch people go after her.
She's all I have and all I need. If she wants to runaway to God knows where and start a family. Then I'll go with her and do so. I'd given up on love, but love found me. She was the one who made me see things differently. So I'll make so many sacrifices just to keep her by my side.
"Y/n! Let me in. It's me Kakashi." I say knocking on the clear ball. "Kakashi, you can't be with me. If they want me then they'll hunt me. Causing you to be in danger too." Y/n said with her voice cracking. "Y/n I'm coming with you, wherever you go! Cause there won't be no sunlight if I lose you, baby..." I say looking at her. (I used Bruno Mars song 'It Will Rain' 😏)          She opens it up and lets me in. I hug her and tears come down our faces. "I don't know what I would've done if you were to die. Or if something really bad happened to you." Y/n says looking into my eyes. "I should be the one saying that. I have a little scratches, not that big of a deal." I scratch my head acting like if I didn't just got beaten up badly. "Hmm says the one with bandag-" I stop her from finishing that sentence by pressing my lips against hers.

Itachi pov.
I see Kakashi talking to Y/n. The words he says to her are the words that she deserves. She's been through a lot and all she needs is someone. Someone who won't die on her anytime soon. Someone who isn't like me. (Y'all I'm feeling bad for Itachi 😣)
It hurts me to know that I'm the reason why people might be onto her. I know Kakashi will bring peace into her life. "Kisame, let's go. It's not worth trying. She's not a match for anyone. We'll just be wasting time." "Itachi, you know boss is going to be mad." Kisame says putting his hand on my shoulder. We get on our way to find the other jinchurikis.

3rd pov.
Y/n put sabastion back inside of her. Y/n and Kakashi stayed away from the villages for some days. They stayed in a abandoned cabin. Living off nature. Sometimes Y/n would use her transformation jutsu to change her looks and go into town to get stuff they needed.

"We can't stay like this forever. We have to go back and face them at some point. I'll get Lady Tsundae to hear me out. I'm pretty sure she'll understand and will let us live our life as normal shinobis." I say breaking the silence. "You're right. We should go talk to her, but we will have to go discreet. There's a possibility the word got out. And there might even be a price on our heads." Y/n says shrugging her shoulders.

3rd person.
Days pass by. Kakashi and Y/n decided to talk to Lady Tsundae. Kakashi and Y/n go in disguise. Trying to avoid anyone and everyone.

Y/n pov.
We make our way to a Hidden Leaf Village. I'm actually scared. Not like I hurt anyone. I mean I'm scared that they might want to use me as some type of weapon. Like yeah of course I'm going to help out. You know I'm still going to be a shinobi and help. We finally get to Lasy Tsundae office. "Tsundae, I know i left and didn't follow orders. I just wint see Y/n get hurt. Now we come to discuss rather you let us stay or whatever." Kakashi said kinda explaining why we were here.
"Hmm, Y/n what are you whiling to do for this village?" Lady Tsundae asked. "I will keep a position as a shinobi or whatever position you want me in, but I won't become some experiment y'all use for war. I will help out with anything." I say. "Very well then. Here are y'all things and Kakashi you are back on team 7 and Y/n keep helping Naruto while Jiraiya is gone." Lady Tsundae said.
Me and Kakashi were surprised. That's all she had to say? I mean shoot whatever! As long as I get to be with Kakashi and don't become some lab rat.

Author: I think I might do lemon in the next chapter. 😀

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