✨Chapter 6✨

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Author POV:

Y/N and Yeji:


*JYP looks over to the front door and sees Y/N and Yeji standing almost shoulder to shoulder*

JYP: Hey guys what brings you two here?

Yeji: Oh uh I wanted to show Y/N around and I heard about this good cafe so I figured we visit it and try it out. That's all nothing fishy here he he he

*Yeji smiles her lies sneaking through her teeth*

Y/N: It's true Yeji was nice enough to show me around. She really is a nice person. What brings you here JYP?

JYP: Oh I was just discussing contract plans with Got7. You guys just missed them

Y/N: Oh that sounds pretty private. I won't pry into your discussion you had

JYP: If you don't mind me I'll be leaving. Y/N don't forget about.yiur photoshoot later.

Y/N: You got it!

*JYP pays for the food and leaves*

*Yeji sighs a breath of relief*

Yeji: That was close

Y/N: Yeah it was good thing he didn't think anything of it. I mean it's not like we are dating to begin with

Yeji: True but better safe then sorry

Y/N: Oh uh excuse me we'd like to be seated please!

*Y/N waves to a waitress who walks over*

Waitress: Oh you are Yeji the leader of Itzy! Also the Ace of JYP

Yeji: Yup that's me! Please treat me as a normal person I don't need any special treatment

Waitress: You got it and who's this?

Y/N: Oh I'm Y/N. I'm the new mem-

Yeji: He's just a friend of mine hehehe

*Yeji stops Y/N before he can finish his sentence*

Waitress: Oh ok then. What would you like to drink first?

Yeji: I'll take a latte

Waitress: Ok and for you sir?

Y/N: I'll take a latte as well

Waitress: Alright I'll be right back with your lattes

*The waitress leaves*

Yeji: You need to be careful with your introduction. People don't know there's a new member yet so you can't exactly say you're the new member because people would start freaking out. Besides JYP dosent want info leaking to the public knowing these Kpop news articles now.

Y/N: Yeah I realised it after you cut me off. Thank you Yeji

*Yeji sighs*

Yeji: Just be more careful next time. And don't worry about it I got you

*Yeji winks at Y/N*

*The waitress returns with the lattes*

Waitress: Ok here are your lattes one for you and another for you

Caught By Surprise  (Hwang Yeji X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now