✨Chapter 11✨

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So what did you want to ask me?

Yeji: Oh it's nothing

No really tell me. If something's wrong let me know I'm here for you Yeji

Yeji: It's just that I was going to ask you the same thing. If we could still spend time together even though we'll both be busy

Oh, yeah of course! I love spending time with you

*You notice Yeji blushes but chose not to say anything*

So do you have any song requests?

Yeji: Let's sing Not Shy together! You know how it goes right?

Of course that's the top song in my playlists

Yeji: Really?

Yup ever since I first heard it, it's been top of my playlist

Yeji: Well thank you Y/N for your support towards our music. It means a lot to me knowing how much support we get

No problem I will support you no matter what happens. I give my 100% all to supporting you

Yeji: Thank you Y/N

*Yeji gives a big smile at you and you start to blush*

Ok anyways let's get started. What parts am I singing?

Yeji: Well obviously I'm going to sing my part and I'll sing Yuna's, but you can sing Ryujin, Lia and Chareyoung's parts since you need the vocal practice

Sounds good! Let's get started

*During the song you notice the lyrics from Yeji sound and feel more genuine than in the song normal. However you decide to not ruin the beautiful song sung between you two*

*The songs ends and both of you catch your breath*

How was that?

Yeji: That was beautiful Y/N! I'm sure you hear this a lot but you have a really good voice

Thank you Yeji but I still have a lot to improve on

Yeji: Do you have any covers you plan to do?

Hmmm I received a text from Jungkook the other day who wanted to do a duet of Euphoria so I have that to do. I've also been wanting to do a cover to Jae-Beom's song Sunrise. It's a pretty hard song to sing because of the high notes  but I want to challenge myself.

Yeji: Oh those are hard songs to sing. Mind singing them to me? For feedback of course!

Yeah no problem! Let me pull up Euphoria first. Jungkook sent me the lyrics he wanted me to sing. He has more lines than me but that's alright after all the song is his. Do you mind using your phone to play the instrumental while I read the lyrics?

Yeji: Actually can I sing Your part?  Because you need practice you can sing Jungkook's part since he has more lines. And that way it can be an actual duet with me and you?

*You notice Yeji's blush but continue to not point it out as you don't want to embarrass her*

Sure! I don't mind but it'll be hard to see the lyrics because of the phone

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