|Chapter 14|

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"That went better than expected." George huffed out in a whispery voice. Dream's hand found it's way to his fake boyfriend's back, calmly stroking it up and down. "You did great." He whispered back as encouragement. It seemed to work, George leaning a little into the touch while sighing out a "Thanks." Greg was still behind them since he was the one who closed the door. His eyes darted into Clay's back. Why on earth would his cousin bring a dude to his wedding?? He knew exactly that this would just bring problems. Even bigger ones than normally when he came to visit.

He looked away from the hand on his cousin's lower back, gulping down his nervousness. His dad won't like this. But wanting George at his wedding didn't change, so he would make sure that they'd interact as little as possible.

He suddenly heard Clay's voice talking to his smaller boyfriend. "How about we talk to Zoey? You said she was the cool one." He heard a giggle, George's shoulders moving up and down slightly, Clay watching the brunette with happy eyes. Why couldn't Clay have been an asshole? Then it would have been so much easier to hate him for a good reason, not just because he was fucking his cousin. Greg's hands balled into fists, knuckles slowly but surely turning white. Just the thought of it made his stomach fill up to the brim with nothing but disgust. It felt so incredibly wrong, seeing his cousin with another man. Despite this feeling he risked another look. George was looking up at him, smiling sadly but lovingly. Greg sighed. Maybe it didn't feel right for him, but George already went through so much, he didn't want to add his opinion onto it. He is a grown man, so he straightened himself, coughing to make his presence known.

The two men jumped slightly at the sudden noise, seeming a little embarrassed. Greg didn't look back at them, rubbing his neck nervously. "Zoey is in the living room together with grandma and grandpa, if you want to say hi." The two nodded, silence growing between the three men. George quickly grabbed Dream's hand, leading him towards the living room. With timid steps Greg went to their kitchen, his wife putting some plates that were left to soak in soapy water into the dishwasher. He immediately felt more relaxed. He walked up to her, hugging his beautiful soon-to-be-wife from behind. "Hey Hunny, how's George?" She asked, still keeping her focus on the plates, rinsing them before putting them away. Greg just mumbled into her hair wich caused an amused laugh. She dried her hands to burry one of them into her almost-husband's hair, stroking it lovingly.

After a moment of soothing comfort Greg turned his head a little so he could speak properly. "He brought his boyfriend." Hollie's hand stopped moving, a little "Oh..." leaving her lips. "Yeah." She turned around in his embrace. "It'll be okay, don't worry." Hollie's heart was big. She didn't care who someone else loved, but she knew everything about Greg. That's why she knew exactly how scared he was about his cousin's well being.

Greg buried his face again, thirsting for comfort wich Hollie happily provided, wrapping her short, bulky arms around his back. It took her a while to get through Greg's thick skull, telling him that same-sex love was normal. Greg still struggled, not very good at hiding his distaste, but he was learning.

Hollie thought about this as a great opportunity for Greg to try and be more comfortable with this topic. His dad did not have a great influence on him, but he was learning.

They suddenly hear a loud shriek and a thud before loud laughter came from the living room. Both laughed but not moving out of their hug.

The shriek came from Zoey, tackling George down to the floor in an intense hug. "George! Holy shit you're really here!" George just laughed, hugging her back just as tightly. A small tear prickled at Zoey's eye, threatening to roll down her cheek. "I missed you." She mumbled truthfully. The big smile on George's face grew even bigger, brotherly petting her head. "I missed you too, Zozo." She laughed, loosening the hug to look at him. "Zozo, really?" George laughed. "What? I always called you Zozo." The girl stood up again, crossing her arms with a smug facial expression. "Yeah, when I was like eight." George chuckled while stemming his hands on the floor to stand up as well. "Well, you didn't change much." He grunted when going up, straightening himself. "Still as small as back then." Clay loved seeing George and Zoey banter, it showed him that he really loved his family. At least part of it. "Rich coming from you, Mr. I'll-be-over-6-foot-one-day." Clay laughed at Zoey's remark, holding his hand over his mouth.

George turned towards him. "Don't laugh!" He said accusingly. Dream looked at him, still slightly chuckling. "Sorry, but imagining you say that is just priceless." George looked at him with a I'm-so-done-with-you look but his lips betrayed him, forming into an unwanted grin.

Zoey looked between them, brows lifted while studying the stranger. "And who's that?" George turned back to her, nervously biting his lip. He wasn't scared of her reaction. But he was already annoyed with all the teasing she would do. She enjoyed making him miserable even more than Dream and Sapnap, wich is almost trophy worthy. "That's my boyfriend." He forced out, playing with his fingers to suppress his nerves. Zoey's eyes lit up, smug grin on her face. "Really? Nice to meet you then. I'm Zoey, but I'm sure Georgie told you already about his awesome cousin." She stretched out her hand, Clay took it happily. "I'm Clay. And he actually has told me about you." Zoey gasped, her free hand clasping over her heart. "Aww, did he now?" George rolled his eyes, debating wether to be glad that these two got along or if he should be scared. "Stop it. You are just feeding her already massive ego." The girl took back her hand, stemming it into her hip. With the other she flipped her high ponytail back. She had blond hair, a little brighter than Hollie's, some colorful strands going from the front into her tied hair. "What can I say? I'm a leo, I know how great I am." Her hair flew through the air, dangling behind her head. She appeared to have her lower hair cut short.

"That explains a lot. He's a leo as well and let me tell you, his ego goes through the roof." Dream looked at him, at the devilish grin on his face. "If you say so, babe." The use of the pet name made George shiver, cheeks turning a soft red. He couldn't say anything against it. They'd be busted before the wedding even began. He was powerless against Dream's teasing, nothing left to do but rolling his eyes, quietly saying "Shut up." He didn't look but he heard the two leo's in front of him chuckle, proud grin on Dream's face.

"Are you going to greet your old granny or do I have to pinch your cheek first?" A shaky voice spoke. All three pair's of eyes looked at George's grandma sitting in her armchair. His grandpa sat next to her on the couch, slightly snoring, head leaned back. George thanked God or whoever was up there that she just saved him from any more embarrassment. He walked up to her, kneeling before her legs. "Hey grandma." he smiled, resting his hand onto her's. She moved her other hand to put it onto his, holding it dearly. "My beautiful boy, I'm so happy to see you." George smiled warmly. "Me too."

"And who was your friend over there again?" Her old eyes looked towards Dream who gave her a short wave. George looked at him before turning back to his grandma. "His name is Clay." The old lady lifted her hand, waving him over. When Dream was next to them she took his hand, looking at him as if she was looking into his sound. "What a handsome young man. I'm sure all the girls are swooning over you." Zoey giggled, but the other two looked at each other, some sort of guilt in both their eyes.

This might be even harder than expected.

>What do you guys think of Greg? He's really trying to better himself. I hope I was able to get that across well enough. :)
And hey! Zoey's grand entrance is in this chapter as well! She's great. 👌

Little side note: I have actually already prewritten multiple chapters which are all uploaded to my ao3 (let_me_in). I don't really have an uploading schedule over there, so there are sometimes greater pauses of uploading new parts of the story. So if you want to read more of the story already, go over there and leave me a comment so I know you came from wattpad! ;)

Oh and thank y'all so so much for over 2k reads and almost 100 votes! Like damn. 🥺
Anyways, have a nice day you all!
-your author T<

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