You drink paint?!

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Dream pov
~In Dreams, Dream~
Im playing an extremely fun game with Night! Its called 'Uno' and Nights winning. He always wins in games like these, but I dont mind. He's my brother, and I love him.

We play more rounds, and make jokes. Him winning every round of Uno. 'This is fun' I think to myself, but then...

I wake up
I realise where I am and I sigh, I remember bro eating the negative apple in hopes that everyone would stop bullying him, him killing everyone, him leaving (I may do an Angsty book about Dream 😐) I try to let out a sigh but a sob comes out instead, followed by another, and another, soon im just crying and I can't stop

"Waaaakeee uuppp!!" Someone bursts down the door, and I only hope that its Night, and he just accidentally gave me another Nightmare

"N-night...?" I say, continuing to sob,

"N-no...its me...I-ink..." The person says. I sob, knowing that I'll probably never see my real brother again "I-i-i-im s-sorry...I-uh-..i just..ummm.."

"N-no..i-i-its not y-you..I-i just- miss him..." I say, still crying.

"Of course you do...its normal..." Ink then says, He looks like he wants to say something, but then says something else
"I'll just sorry for the rude awakening.."

"Heh...its fine..." Ink backs out of the room, and I get up. I go to a mirror in the room and wash my face, once I walk out of the room, and hear Ink talking to himself

"The only way I know how to feel is by doing" he's holding some sort of a yellow vial and...drinks it?! "! I should just drink this one more often, and not any others, cause this one is by far the best one!" I sort out my thoughts, 'he cant feel?! He feels by drinking paint?!' (Or as someone in the comments of my last chapter said 'dis bish drinks paint?')

"You drink paint?!" I finally say, as Ink turns around to face me

Ink pov
"H-how long have you been standing there?" I say imeadietly

"Long enough to see you drink paint" Dream says, sort of upset I haven't answered him

"Whats going on?" Blue says from behind me.

"N-nothing Bl-" Dream cuts me off

"Apparently Ink here, drinks paint!" I sigh

"Look guys, I-"

"We want answers" Dream, once again, cuts me off

"Okay, I'll explain..." I take a deep breath "Long story short... I..dont .... have a soul..." Both of their non-existent eyes widen

"How does that even work?!" Dream and Blue say a the same time

"I dont...wana talk about it..." I look away from their faces, and there is a silence

"You have to tell us something" Blue speaks up. I sigh

"I um... after I lost my soul" I didn't want to tell them how "The person that created me...uh..." I didn't need to tell them that Creator gave up on my world "He...started to create Undertale-"

"You didn't create all the AUs?!" Blue says

"Well..he isnt AU"

"What?!" Both of them say suddenly

"Creator started to create.." I diside if I should say I had an AU, because if I say I did, they'll ask why I left them, and then I'll have to explain that I ripped my own soul and half, and we don't need that type of drama."Me, kinda like I was a sketch, soul faded he.."

"Created Undertale?" Blue said, with a bit of pitty in his voice 'Great, he still pittys me'

"Undertale, Its the original universe, I visited it, and I disided to create different universes based off of that world"

"Thats interesting.." Dream says, deep in thought. I hesitate on wether or not I should continue, but then I feel a sharp pain in my chest, its different then when Creator is calling me, its like... an AU is getting destroyed.

Sudden realization hits me "We got to go!" I say getting up, looking for my brush. Dream and Blue look at me like I'm crazy.

"Why?" Blue asks politely

"An AU is getting destroyed! And its worse then normal"

Alright, I'm good. I just needed to update this book
I have 5 books that I have to update, a TikTok that I make stuff on, and a successful (so far) youtube channel
So I may not upload as often as you want

Anyways, hope you enjoyed


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