New life,

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Ink pov (most of this story is in Inks pov)
It has been exactly 1 year since the creator has thrown my world out. I hear that creator? Hm...maybe he is creating another world....why isnt he continuing my world? Whatever. It doesn't matter anyways.

"Oops-" is all I hear before something happened. Something happened that will change my life forever. I see yellow....and I....

"I can feel?! What emotion is this? I feel....exited! Happy!" I say outloud. Not like anyone can hear me. But im so happy! Im feeling!! And now I see blue?

"I-I- oh family...oldest brother..." i say outloud. Starting to cry. "Our last words to eachother were 'I love you' and 'whatever'... Im a horrible brother..." I sob. I see another color. Purple...

"Im scared....I dont like this..." I try to go back to feeling happy. "I-its fine...i-im I feeling because of paint?" I silently laugh at myself.

"These stupid paints. Im throwing these out!" I hear creator say, and then a whole bunch of different types of paint fall. I walk up to some of them and grab some vials.

"I should collect these! Then I could feel more" I whisper to myself and scoop up the paint.

'I should try the rest out' I try to remember what I know so far. "Yellow is happy, blue is sad, purple is is anger?" I think what is most logical. 'Might as well try it out?' I take a sip of red.

"Definetly anger. Ugh! Im angrey at myself, I should have said something, ANYTHING other than 'whatever' that day! But no, I had to say that..." I gulp down some yellow to drown out my anger.

"Ok, maybe pink?" I grab the pink. "What does this one do?" I sip it. "Bleh! Love! I dont like it!" I sip more yellow.

'I wonder how it would taste all at once?' I take sips of each one. But I leave out pink (its wierd in my opinion (Me over here nodding and agreeing with Ink))

"To much sad, not enough happy" I gulp down the entire rest of the vial. 'Oof- at least im happy? But, I feel like I-' I vomit out black Ink

"Guess if I take to much of one emotion then I' know...puke?" I think for some time, before noticing that I have 2 more colors. "Brown and green? They both seem like discust? But I doubt 2 vials have the same effect" I sip brown

"OOF- Its like everything seems discusting! Gross!" I reach for some yellow but remember that I emptied it. 'I should get some more -_-" '

~After going out to get more paints and putting the rest of the paints in buckets~
I sip more yellow "Ok, uhhhhhhhhh...oh yeah! I need to try some green!" I grab green and sip it "Discust...but not as strong..." I say outloud 'What am I wearing?' I am wearing a compleatly white outfit that is really boring.

"I should change into some clothes that I will paint on!"

~After changing (*cough* Pervert *cough*)~
"I look good~" I say proudley (If your wondering, he is wearing his outfit from now) "and I finnished me by myself, no help from creator.." I say outloud before thinking 'Not like he would help much...'

"Oh! I need a name....I mean, I drink paint to feel so....maybe..."

Me, over here making things overly dramatic
I hope you enjoy this book so far cause I wrote it durring school.


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