Nightmares (Not Nightmare Sans)

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'Where am I?' I look around myself. I dont see anything but white. I continue looking, it reminds my of my AU; that scares me. I continue spinning around waking a bit 2. Until I see a bunch of people. Ruru, Oldest, Oldest triplet, Middle triplet, and the rest of my AU.

"G-guys! I missed you! I had this horrible nightmare, where you all left me, and I ripped my soul, and then Creator started forsing me to do AUs for him, and if I didn't do it! He would brake my bones!" I say quickly, their faces don't change, they just stand there, sort of scaring me.

"Youngest triplet." I look around me. It must have been Creator

"Creator! Whats up with them?" I say exsited that all of this was just a nightmare.

"They remember what you did." He says, making me confudled

"W-what? What are you talking about?" I look back at them, except they look mad now.

"Why would you fight me Kiki?" Ruru says to me making me frown.

"I-im sorry Ruru!"

"You didn't even say goodbye!" Oldest says

"C-could I say h-hello?" I say in return, but that just makes Oldest mad.

"You didn't even tell us it was you! You also didn't ask if we wanted an AU" Oldest triplet and Middle triplet say at the same time.

"I-im sorr-"

"Good for you that you didn't tell us two, because if you did, we would have killed you" Oldest triplet says.


"You were always so annoying! And you killed us 2!" The monsters from my AU all said

"Killer" Oldest said

"You killed them?! Wow! You really are horrible!" Middle triplet said

"I-i- I didn't mean t-"

"Sure you didn't, you just 'accidentally' killed everyone" Reaper said sarcastically


"SHUT UP!" Oldest yelled at me, scaring me

"See youngest. They all HATE you. You killed them. They ran away from you. Your ALL ALONE" Creator stated.

"N-no" I whispered backing away "No." I started tearing up. "No! I didnt kill them!"

"Yes you did! And its all your fault!"

"NO! SHUT UP!" I fell down and started crying. "I didn't do it!" Suddenly I felt a rib crack. "STOP IT!"

"SHUT IT YOUNGEST!" Creator yelled making me cry more. Then Creator did something new. He broke an arm.

"AHHHH! STOP!" I start breathing heavy. I'm in bed. "W-was it a N-nightmare?" (If your confused, it was a Nightmare, except the broken arm)

"Some of it was" Creator said above me

"You- you broke my arm!"

"You'll live."

"B-but why?!"

"You do notice, that I havent bothered you for a bit, correct?" Creator says a bit annoyed about my tone of voice


"I have a list of AUs that I want done by the end of the month"

"O-oh..." Then a paper falls and I catch it. "28 AUs in 7 days!? I can only do 2 AUs a day, not including fights with Error! That would mean I can only do 14 of those by the end of the month!" There is silence after I spoke

"Double the normal amount."

"W-what?! What about Error?!"

"Every AU you dont compleate, is another bone broken" He says, startling me.

"Wh-what?" I just stare at the blank, white AU filled with anger.

"Just hurry up! And get it done!" He yells startling me


I got 2 done in 1 day! Congrats me!
Sorry its short, but I have my original story on a blank document, on my school computer.
I hope you enjoyed!


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