First fight

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"He is in my first creation, Underswap" I say outloud in a room I literally just made.
The room has a bunch of blank papers but some show the worlds I made.
But never mind that, I need to help out that AU! I grab Broomie (Ilike naming things, and this paintbrush deserves a name, it was like a best friend these past few days)
I then throw paint, thinking about the AU, and walk through.
"Hello Error..."

"Hello Ink, your pretty popular around the Multiverse" Error says, turning around

"Could we do this the easy way, and not fight?"

"What? Are you afraid?" I just stare at him, he seems so different...

"No...Im just tierd..." That was a lie, I just dont want to fight my oldest, and first best friend...

"That will help me out"  He says smiling a smile I have never seen before. I sigh before talking

"Guess its the hard way..." I then grab Broomie

"Really? A paintbrush? You underestimate me Ink" He says looking confudled

"And you underestimate my paintbrush" I say before throwing paint to try trapping him. He blocks using his strings.
"Everyone! Go hide! Blue, Alphys! You help them!" I say to everyone watching, they immediately listen.

"Wow, you really are intimidated" He says, making me do the Frisk face. All of the sudden, my broken ribs throb. I just winse, I can't let him win.

"I really don't have time for this Error!" I say, my ribs throbing more, and more. He opens his mouth to talk, but I cut him off with an attack.

"Wow, you didn't even let me finnish" I then feel a rib rebrake. 'He needs me NOW of all times?!'

"That was so cool Ink!" Blue says running up to me "Are you ok?" I nod

"He didnt lay a hit on me-" I then notice that he disappeared "Aaand he's gone." I say facepalming

"Oh no!" Blue says in return

"Dont worry, I'll get him next time! But I need to go!"

"Ok then! See you!" I smile and make a portal under me, looking really cool on purpose.

"What do you need creator?!" I say, upset that I couldn't socialize with other monsters.

"Make an AU called Underlust. Make it like it sounds"

"Sounds gross, why would you want to do that?" I say trying to stay calm, but sort of confudled.

"Just do it." I sigh and make a portal under me into a new AU, and start creating

~Im lazy, so were skipping~
"O-ok...Taffy" I point to the Papyrus. "Lust" I point to the Sans "Th-those are your nicknames..." I say, black dots slowly taking over my vision, my head feeling light, legs and chest feeling heavy, and my ribs throbing.

"Are you alright dear?" One of them says, but I can't see who because of the black dots, and  I can barely hear them because they sound distant and there is a ringing sound in my ear.

"Y-yeah i-im fine." I say with a shaky, weak, voice.

"You dont sound 'fine' hun" I just pass out infrount of them.

' head...' I look around the room and see Taffy and Lusts living room. "Oh, your awake!" Lust says

"Wh-what happened..." I ask

"You passed out after you finnished out AU!" Taffy says walking into the room.

"I-i did?" They nod

"There is no good hospital here in the Underground, so we just brought you to our house, also dont worry about us getting into your personal space. We like to do stuff like that, but we know boundaries" Lust says smiling

"" I say slowly getting up

"You should really lay back down"

"I-im fine."

"Last time you said you were 'fine' you passed out" Lust looks at me conserned

"N-no really, i'l be ok!" I say, looking for Broomie. "Where is Broomie?"

"The paintbrush? Its in that corner over there!" Taffy says pointing at the corner near the door

"Thanks! I'll be leaving now! Bye guys!" I say making a portal next to me

"Goodbye Hun/dear" they both say at the same time. I then walk through the portal, into the room with the AUs. 'I really need a name for this AU'

"Ok, I need to check the AUs. Where is Error anyways..." I look through and find Error in Underlust. "ALREADY?!" I facepalm before I feel a rib start to brake. "Of course...Ughhhhh" I make a portal back to Underlust

"Hello again, Ink" Error says, already prepared. "What gave you the idea to make this AU?"

"I have my reasons..." He then suddenly attacks me, I use paint to block it.

~After, cause I'm lazy~
"Wooooow, you got me again. I should train or something" I sigh, but my vision starts getting covered with black dots again. I pinch between my eyes and squeeze my eyes shut. "You good?"

"Mhm..." He then Teleports away, with the paint attack for with chains. I make a portal under me and dissappear. I then diside to go to sleep, since its... I throw paint

2:45 am

Wow. Ok then. We were fighting for a while. I drink my vials and squeeze my eyes shut. I go into the blank AU with my bed in it, and check the time again.

3:00 am

Ok then, I close my eyes, and almost immediately fall asleep.

Ok, sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I got a new phone.
I hope you enjoyed!


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