36 • Loving & Fighting

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU." Spencer Cavanaugh yelled as she stormed through her front door and threw her jacket off.

"ME? WHAT ABOUT YOU?" her husband, Toby, yelled back as he followed her through the door.

"I've told you God knows how many times that when we're in court, we DON'T know each other." Spencer argued back, turning to face her husband with her eyes full of fury.

"You hear how fucked up that is right?" Toby hissed.

"It's not fucked up, it's being professional." Spencer bit back.

"I asked you, DURING A BREAK, if you needed a ride back home. I'm not texting my wife from across the room instead of going to talk to you." Toby tried to ration with her. "We weren't even in the courtroom." he reminded her.

"You KNOW this case is important to me, courtroom or not I can't have my client think that I'm trying to conspire with the cops behind his back." Spencer told him harshly.

"CONSPIRE WITH THE COPS?" Toby raised his voice. "In case you forgot, you're married to one." he argued.

"Keep fighting with me and I'll be divorced from one." Spencer retaliated. Toby visibly recoiled. They'd only been married 6 months and this was the first serious fight they'd had in that time. Spencer knew she'd pushed too far, she was annoyed but she'd never think about breaking up with Toby. He was her everything. Toby knew she wasn't serious but couldn't stop himself.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you? You'd no longer have to pretend to your stuck up lawyer friends that you're married to a stupid cop. I know they look down on me, wouldn't surprise me if you were embarrassed of me. That's why you won't let me talk to you, isn't it? You know what, if you're that ashamed of me you can leave your wedding band at home next time." Toby ranted.

Spencer stood there in shock. She'd never in her life been ashamed of Toby. She'd been so proud when he'd graduated the Harrisburg Police Academy and couldn't believe he'd ever think she saw him as beneath her.

"Toby I never said-" she started to say but Toby cut her off. "Save it, next time I just won't try to be a good husband and offer you a ride since you're clearly too good to be seen with me." he fought.

Spencer knew Toby better than she knew herself and she knew when he got angry he said shit he didn't mean. She'd gone too far but so had he.

"That's not what this is about. This is about trying to do our jobs as well as we can without letting personal problems getting in the way." Spencer tried to explain.

Toby scoffed. "Is that what I am to you? A 'personal problem'?" Spencer opened her mouth to defend herself but Toby continued. "You know that's not how people are supposed to describe their marriage." he finished stoically.

"You know that's not what I meant." Spencer said numbly.

Toby rolled his eyes and answered. "No actually, I don't know what you meant." he said shortly. He grabbed the keys to his truck and his bag of carpentry tools and started to walk to the door, walking past his wife without a second look.

"Where are you going?" Spencer asked him but it came out as more of a demand.

"To get divorce papers." Toby answered sarcastically. "I'm gonna go work on the house since obviously my other job isn't enough. Sorry, is a carpenter more embarrassing than a cop?" he asked, riling Spencer up even more. "You know what, you don't need to answer that, just text me when you've decided." he made one final dig, walking out the door and slamming it behind him.

Ironic, Toby thought as he walked out. He was getting his anger (that she'd caused) out by going to work on building their (what he hoped would be) family home.

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