18 • Rain

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Toby Cavanaugh was one of those odd people who loved the rain.

He loved the way it would patter gently against the windows in the loft, the sound oddly comforting and soothing.

When it rained at night Toby would gently open his window, as quietly as possible so he wouldn't wake the beautiful girl asleep in his bed, and lean out a little way.

He loved the thrill that rushed through
his body when he saw the first flash of lighting in a thunderstorm.

He loved counting the seconds between the flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder.

He even loved being out in it. Just pausing for a second and feeling it pour down his face, it made him feel like he was the only person in the world.

Spencer Hastings did not like rain. At all. It was inconvenient, annoying, and worst of all made you stay inside all day which was, in her eyes, incredibly boring.

She hated waking up in the morning and hearing it, knowing that she'd have to go out in it, freeze her butt off and get wet.

She hated walking through it, willing her walk home to go faster so she could curl up in bed or in front of the TV, nice and cozy.

She was secretly absolutely terrified of thunderstorms. A flash of lightening made her heart beat faster and the thunder made her feel overwhelmed.

Toby had no idea how much Spencer hated the rain until one day when they were driving back from a date day. They'd gone into Philly for the day to shop for clothes for dinner with the Hastings the next week before getting lunch.

Toby had decided to drive back the scenic route, avoiding the main highways and driving along smaller country roads instead. When they were about 30 minutes from Toby's loft a thunderstorm started. An intense thunderstorm. Rain hammered down on the truck and Toby smiled to himself. He had an idea.

He pulled into a little lay-by and stopped the truck. Spencer looked at him, confused.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked. She really just wanted to get home. She didn't want to be sitting here, rain coming down like no tomorrow when she could be getting cosy and watching a movie with her boyfriend.

Toby turned to her, a sparkle in his eye. "Dance with me Spence."

Spencer laughed in disbelief. "What?" she scoffed.

"Dance with me Spencer." Toby repeated.

"No. Nope. Absolutely no way." Spencer refused.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't stand rain."

"you WHAT??" asked Toby, unable time believe it. "How on earth did I fall in love with a girl who hates rain?" He asked both himself and Spencer.

"What's the big deal? Rain sucks." Spencer said shortly.

"Rain, Miss Hastings, is one of life's best and most simple pleasures." Toby replied.

"Well I can think of another one of life's simple pleasures that I'd rather have right now and trust me Cavanaugh, if you drive us home right now, it will be very, very, pleasurable." Spencer learned over and purred into Toby's ear. She knew it was a little unfair to push his teenage boy hormones to get what she wanted but in case you haven't realised yet: Spencer really really hated the rain.

Toby's eyes widened and he smirked, pulling Spencer across the plush bench seat of his truck. He leaned in and started to gently leave soft wet kisses on her neck.

Spencer's eyes rolled back in pleasure and she brought her hand up to run through his hair. This is definitely not what she expected from the drive home from Philly but she wasn't complaining.

Toby smiled against her neck, knowing exactly what his next move was going to be. He reached up, gently pulled Spencer's hand out his hair and slung her arm around his neck before tucking his arm under her knees and pulling her onto his lap, continuing to kiss her.

Spencer pulled her head away from Toby, stopping him from giving the hickey he had started to suck onto her neck. Instead, Spencer connected their lips and revelled in the feeling of Toby's soft lips moving against her own.

Toby smiled against her lips and moved his hand to behind his back, opening the truck door.

Spencer, too distracted by the spontaneous make out session she and Toby were engaged in, didn't notice until it was too late that Toby was moving.

Moving as quickly as possible so she wouldn't have time to react, Toby got out of the truck, holding Spencer in a bridal position and ran, still holding her, into the field they'd parked next to.

"WHAT THE FUCK, TOBY?" Spencer yelled.

"Come on Spence." Toby said, fighting back laughter as he came to a stop a little way into the field. His gorgeous blue eyes were shining as he asked her again. "Dance with me."

"You're insane. My boyfriend is actually out of his mind." Spencer said, half to Toby and half to herself in disbelief.

"Shhh." said Toby, gently setting her on her feet and closing his eyes, pulling Spencer to his chest and putting his forehead against hers.

"What?" asked Spencer. "I don't hear anything."

"Exactly. Right now, it's just me, you and the rain baby. It feels like there's nothing else in the whole world."

"I wish it would always feel like that." Spencer said quietly.

Toby opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Spencer had mimicked his actions, eyes closed, hair soaked through, with rain rolling down her face.

Toby moved his arms from Spencer's hips to her waist and surprisingly, Spencer moved hers from against his chest to around his neck.

Toby gently began to sway them from side to side and closed his eyes again. Spencer took the moment to pull away slightly, just enough to be able to look up at her boyfriend's face.

God, she was so whipped for his man. Here she was, Spencer Hastings, loyal hater of rain, standing in a field just letting it soak her through whilst she stood with her wonderful, mad, beautiful boyfriend.

She giggled to herself and Toby opened his eyes in curiosity.

"What's so funny?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Just thinking about the fact that if anyone was to catch us doing this we would end up sharing my old room at Radley." Spencer replied simply.

Toby rolled his eyes and bit back a smile. "No they wouldn't." he responded. "Haven't you ever seen The Notebook?" he asked.

Spencer's eyebrows shot up. "No." she said. "Have you ever seen The Notebook, Tobias?" She asked, clearly teasing him.

"N-no." stuttered Toby. As much as he loved Spencer, he would never in a million years admit to her that his favourite genre of movie was cheesy rom-com. "Obviously not." he said.

"Hmmm... Obviously." said Spencer smirking at him.

"Okay Cavanaugh." Spencer said, changing the subject. "This has been a blast and all very one-with-nature but please can we go home, I can already feel myself getting a cold and if we leave now I will let you jump in the shower with me."

"Well I think I made my point so yeah we can go. I'm not one to turn down a shower with you." Toby responded.

"Hmm." hummed Spencer. "I've noticed." she finished, breaking away from him and making her way back over to the truck before looking back at Toby and sending him a wink.

Toby smiled to himself. Yup, he was head over heels for this girl.

Later that night Toby asked Spencer if she still hated the rain. Spencer rolled her eyes and replied that yes of course she did but she knew deep down that now she hated rain just a little bit less.

A/N: lol first one shot in almost a year and i feel like i've really lost my old skills for writing so sorry if this sucks :((. hope you're all keeping safe in this mad times.
Love always,
Ally xo

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