28 • Love Letters (Part 1)

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Rosewood, Pennsylvania USA. A tiny town with 1 huge rivalry. The Cavanaughs and the Hastings had founded the town together decades ago but after a severe falling out were sworn enemies. Every Hastings, except one, hated the Cavanaughs and every Cavanaugh, except one, hated the Hastings.

And then there was Spencer and Toby. They were a real-life Romeo and Juliet. They weren't allowed to be in love, it was the very last thing their families wanted for them and it couldn't possibly have a positive outcome. But love, of course, does not listen to what people want. It just happens. And it happened to Spencer and Toby, they were completely head over heels for someone they weren't allowed to even know, let alone love.

The first time Spencer Hastings met Toby Cavanaugh they were 10 years old. It was around 9:30 at night and Spencer's nanny, Maria, had made sure she was in bed, ready to sleep. Spencer knew the rule was that when she had been put to bed she wasn't allowed to get up until the morning unless she needed the bathroom. And being Spencer Hastings, she listened. Well, she listened until this night. She was lying in her bed, which was far too big for a petite 10 year old, trying to will herself to drift off when she suddenly heard rustling outside her window, it wasn't a windy night so immediately her heart began to beat faster and her breath caught in her throat.

The rustling continued and felt as though it was getting closer. She slipped out of bed, trying to find something in her room she could use as a weapon. She caught sight of her biggest encyclopaedia and hauled it off her bookshelf. She hid behind her floor length curtain and held her breath. She heard someone's footsteps step onto her balcony and footsteps walking towards the doors that led directly into her room. Her intruder turned the handle quietly and silently stepped into the room. Just as she was about to hit whoever it was with the book they spoke:

"Disappointing. There's definitely no monster here. This room is too girly." came a voice, in fact it was a child's voice.

Spencer, outraged, stepped out from behind the curtain. "Yes, because it is a girl's room you idiot. What on Earth are you doing coming into my bedroom?" she asked indignantly.

The intruder jumped. He was a boy around her age, with large blue eyes, short sandy coloured hair and freckles across his cheeks and nose as well as a pronounced cleft in his chin.

"My father always told me I wasn't allowed to come here because there were monsters that eat children." he told her, a cheeky grin appearing on his face.

"There are no monsters here." Spencer said firmly.

"Hmmm, maybe I should stick around and make sure for myself." said her unwelcome visitor.

"No. Leave. Get out right now." Spencer demanded.

The boy laughed and sat down on her bed. "I'll leave in 5 minutes, I walked through the wood to get here, my feet hurt." he said.

"Who even are you?" Spencer asked frustratedly

"Tobias, but my friends call me Toby." the sandy-haired boy said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Well we're not friends so I'll call you Tobias. I'm Spencer." Spencer said formally, taking his hand and shaking it gingerly.

"Why can't we be friends?"asked Toby, the cheeky grin had fallen from his face.

"Because we don't know each other, silly." Spencer answered obviously.

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