36 • Brother Mine (Part 1)

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A/N: the PLL writers majorly screwed up the timeline of Marion dying so I had to kind of make it up. Important authors note at the end of the chapter.

Spencer Hastings never got nervous. It was a fact. She was known for being an intelligent bad-ass with ridiculous strength for a 16 year old. But right now, she was nervous. She was standing outside the Cavanaugh house after volunteering to tutor Toby.

Of course, she had an ulterior motive in coming here. Emily had been insisting that Toby was one of the good guys, that Spencer needed to trust him and never one to prove someone right, Spencer had volunteered to tutor Toby to see for herself if she thought Toby was capable of hurting Ali. A few weeks ago, it seemed pretty likely, his jumper had been found with Alison's DNA on it and he had been regarded as very suspicious by everyone in town. There wasn't enough evidence for punish him for anything but Spencer had seen the way people treated him, kids crossing the street, people whispering about him. If she was being honest with herself, she wasn't so sure about him now.

Spencer took a deep breath and knocked on the door, expecting Toby to open it, and praying Jenna wouldn't. When the door did open, she was suddenly shocked to come face to face with a girl who she guessed was about 11.

She had long red-blonde hair and blue eyes that reminded Spencer of Toby's. Freakishly enough, if Alison had been a little bit ginger, they would look related. The girl smiled expectantly at Spencer.

"Hey?" she said, half questioningly.

"Er- hi. Sorry, I thought this was the Cavanaugh house." Spencer answered awkwardly. Have the school given me the wrong address? She wondered.

"Oh! You're Spencer, come in. I'll grab Toby." the girl said, standing aside and ushering Spencer in.

"Thanks." Spencer said, still confused as to who this stranger was.

"TOBY, SPENCER'S HERE." she bellowed up the stairs and Spencer heard a door open and footsteps coming towards her. A second later Toby came into sight.

"Hey Spencer, I was surprised when the school called and said you were my tutor. Thanks for coming." he said, coming to the bottom of the stairs.

"Of course, I think we have a lot to discuss." Spencer said stoically. She couldn't deny she still felt a little on-edge around him.

"Ominous." the girl Spencer still didn't know the name of commented. Spencer almost laughed.

"You introduce yourself?" Toby asked her and the kid shook her head.

"Manners, Sun. Seriously." Toby said, rolling his eyes affectionately. The kid, apparently called Sun, rolled her eyes back.

"Spencer, this is my sister Sunny. Sun, Spencer." Toby introduced.

"I never knew you had a little sister." Spencer said in shock.

"Yeah, Toby keeps me locked up and hidden away." Sunny laughed.

"Shut up, it's not like you parade me around in front of your friends either." Toby said jokingly, gently nudging his sister in her ribs.

"Well, I used to but then you said you didn't like it when they get crushes on you." Sunny retorted and then winked at Spencer. "After my friend Summer came over every day for a month to see him, he banned me from having any friends around him." she explained.

Spencer laughed; this kid was actually pretty entertaining. "Not a fan of fan clubs then, Toby?"

"Nope. Had enough of that for a few years." he replied.

"Speaking of, Jenna here?" she asked Toby, digging at the fact Jenna was constantly flitting around him.

"Nope." Toby said, smiling.

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