Part ^ 7

315 36 2

"Why did you not care me this morning?" He asks me

This situation, he being completely under me....
I could do whatever I want.
Really... he's so dumb And careless

"You just asked me not to butt into your life" I say as I get away from him

He sits on my bed and stares at me with blank eyes... his usual dumb eyes

"Did that offend you?" He asks me

"What offend?"

"That me asking you not to care me?"

"No.... I don't feel anything..." I lie.. Or more like I hold back.

Because we are friends. Right?
That's it.

I got myself wrong... just because we are in like... friend with benefits relationship.. I got delusional.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, so Byun baekhyun... stop being dramatic and go back home. You just made my tonight partner went back."

"Well, I didn't like her either. She looks ugly"

"Ya.. you don't need to like her. I just needed someone to chill"

"Boya... sounds so lonely"

"I'm" I say and sip on my whiskey

"Well, I will let you do for tonight. Since I won't be able to give you time anymore after this Friday.." he says as he takes off his shirt

He's .... huuuu... really something else.
I wonder what will his new boyfriend be like.
Plus.... Yep... I'm worried.
At his work too.

This is just normal friendship Park Chanyeol.. yeah...

"Not in the mood anymore. You can go back"


"Want some drink?"

"Aish!" He shouts as he wears his shirt back and lie down on my bed "I'm going to sleep here. Go sleep on the couch" he says

"Ya! This is my house"

"I don't care." He says and get under the blanket

"Yeah.. I can't believe I have friend like you"

"Yeah.. believe now" he replies

I get out of my bedroom and lie down on my couch.

"Little piece of shit" I mumble.


Baekhyun's POV

The heck... I really fell asleep last night??

I quickly get up from bed and rush out... But.. he's still sleeping on the couch.
It's still 6:30am?

He really is sleeping on couch huh... how obedient?

'I ask why.... Byun baekhyun. Stop testing my patience'

Testing your patience huh.... what? Are you going to punch me? Duh.

I quietly leaves his house.
I don't want to go to work.
My footsteps are heavier than ever!

I hate to meet with the manager.

"Baekhyuneeeee" one of my friend jumps on me from the back

"Aww... morning"

"Why are you standing here?"

Yeah .. I'm in front of my company... just .. staring at the entrance

"Nothing...  I was about to go in" I say

"Okie... let's go" he says "have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet"

"Then let's go to canteen first"


Me and him are now at canteen....

"So.. you and .. our great Department Head.... close ?"

Again? About him?

"Yeah close.." I say and shrug

"Uwahh.. why did you keep a secret from me?"

"Well.. there's nothing to brag about that... isn't it?"

"Stilllll.... i Want to know huh.." he says "and... I have one important news too"

I don't want to know but.....yeah ..

"What's that?"

"Our CEO' s son is about to work in the company!" He says

"Eh.. Is that so?" Well... that doesn't concern with any of us right? Duh!

"Yessss... Department Head Chanyeol ssi is going to have a rival. Heard CEO's son is very handsome" He says

Yeah yeah.. as if chanyeol is interested in that :)

"And I heard he's very smart too.. and a workaholic! I wonder which department he will be on. I hope it's our department . Right baekhyun ya?"

And why is he like fanboying over that?
He's not gay and i am gay.. and I'm not overreacting and he is!
I want to ask him if he's gay ... aigooooo... suffocating!



'Why didn't you wake me up?' - Lazy Asshole

Just as his nickname... a truly a lazy asshole

Hello guys!
Here's a late update for the day.
Don't forget to "Like" & give me thoughts upon this fic.
Love you alll💛

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