Part ^ 20

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Chanyeol's POV

I don't want to talk to him. I clearly remember how shamelessly said last night in front of me and baekhyun and how he interferes us.

'I am confessing my feelings for him' << Flashback what Mo Jae said last night to Baekhyun

Confessing ... my ass.

"I will just get straight to the point" he says

"Yes. Please do as you always do"

"What are you and baekhyun ssi? What kind of relationship you two are in?"

"Whatever baekhyun told you... is true" well, i know he definitely asked baekhyun already so, I don't want to create anymore conversation conflict between my words and baekhyun's

"He said you two are just friends" he says

"Then, we are just friends. As he said" i say and smirk

"Please refrains doing those things when you start accepting my noona in your life. I am not speaking as your girlfriend or.. should I say, Fiancé's brother"

"Refrain what? I can manage my things well so, I don't need 3rd person to interfere my life. Plus, i don't think you have rights to tell me refrain meeting my friends or whatever"

"My father, you should know things won't be easy if my father finds something about Baekhyun ssi. Isn't it?"

"Don't you ever ... make him face trouble" this bastard

"That it is... I like how your face expression just changed now. I feel like we are in more serious conversation.

Finish everything with him before my father finds out or.... Baekhyun ssi might become unemployed again.... Or... even more. I wouldn't want that... you know.

I want to protect baekhyun ssi. And keep him beside me... forever"

"I can protect my friend. You don't need to bother"

"Friend... hahaha.... It is really funny... how Baekhyun has hickeys on his neck after running after you and didn't come back home till 4am"

"Mo Jae ssi!"

"Park Chanyeol ssi... you are smart and I know it. But, I think I'm smarter. And you are very easy to read chanyeol ssi. If it's for Baekhyun. Same goes for him too. Seeing how you two are sensitive for each other's, it confirms my thoughts for about 75%.

And... by the way, I just really proposed Baekhyun ssi this morning"

"He is in relationship"

"I know. He will just slowly fall for me. Since I am closer to him on daily basic than anyone else... that counts his current lover .... And you too..."

"Why are you doing this? Are you even into men?"

"I am bisexual, just as you are now I guess. And I already told him that, I am good in bed too in case he might be working about that.. haha"

"If you lay a finger on him, I....."

"Remember this Park Chanyeol ssi!!.. You are to have my sister in your mind only."

This motherfuc...

"Spend more times with her" he says and gets up... "And don't be late for meetings just for your personal feelings. He can go alone" he says and leaves

so.... There are really spies in this office already huh..
Here and there, eyes watching me...
How suffocating.

* Ph Ring *

Caller ID – One & Only

Hmm? It is her Korea number?

C – Omma?? Are you back in Korea?

CY's Mom – Yes my big boy... Omma just landed this morning

C – why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have pick you up. Came with work?

CY's Mom - yes Yeollie.. I came with my colleagues. Still working? And I just met Baekie at Gangnam... he said he was doing some kind of survey...

C – Aw... what a coincidence. you two met there.

CY's Mom – I know right. I told him to come over for dinner. I will cook for you two tonight. Yeollie you have any plans?

C – No. If you are tired, we can just eat out

CY's Mom – Omma want to cook for you guys. I will wait for you at your house Yeollie. Text me the house passcode

C – Okay. See you omma.

I text Omma my house passcode but.... <0605> his birthday huh... May be I should change soon.

What would mom say? When I say, 'Mom, I like Baekhyun'.... Or 'Mom, Baekhyun and me are sex friends' or... 'Mom.... I am gay..'

What would she react?

She is someone I looked up to since I was little. Single mom struggling to keep me up with a standard no less than my friends who have both parents.
She worked and still working hard. And she has moved to Singapore due to her companies launching new branch and assigned there since last 3 years ago.

I always tried hard to be like her. A workaholic who is respected by everyone.

I don't want to disappoint her.... In any aspects.

I am such a problem bomb for her. I am into Baekhyun who is a man.. and I have unwanted fiancé..

* Message *

'You, your mom is back. Have you contact her yet' – Byun Stoned-head

'Yes. Just now' – Lazy asshole

'Okay.. she said she will be doing dinner tonight' – Byun Stoned-head

'Yeah. Coming?' – Lazy asshole

'Imm.. so...can I get a ride back to home? Hehe' – Byun Stone-head

fuck.... He is very cute...

'See you at 5pm'


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