Part ^ 30

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I can feel someone's palm on my forehead and he's calling me... ah... I don't feel good.

I blink and open my eyes... it's Sehun.

"You are very feverish.. don't go to work today" he says

"I .. *coughs* I don't think I can too.." I say "can you hand me my phone? I need to let my office know"

"Sorry, I guess you catch cold because we slept with all sweaty last night" he says

"No... it's not"

He gives me my phone and.. when I see the call log..

Someone answer the call last night.
Even tho I delete his contact number, I still remember his number by heart.
24 missed calls ... huh.

So, Sehun answered last night huh.

"I answered a call last night. I don't know how is that since you didn't have in your contact" Sehun admits

"Imm... it's okay... it's no one" I say

"I will comeback quick. I have to step out since I have 1 client meeting. I will come back with porridge... okay?"


"Sorry again. Was I too much last night?" He says as he lean in close to speak to me in Low and soft tone....

"I told you...No... it's not because of you"

He kisses my forehead and "I will be back quick" and he leaves

"Come back quick...." I mumble and doze off again...


*Ding Ding*

Uhh..... who's that....Sehun? He would just come in without the bell..

*DingDong Ding Dong*

Ahhhhhhh.... stop will you..
I don't think my fever has gone down..

I feel like burning up.
I wonder when will Sehun comes back

*Ding Dong*

What kind of inhuman person would ring the bell this much???

I wobbly go and open the door ...

"Stop ri......"

My eyes widen... and... freeze on my spot

"Ch... Park Chanyeol"

"Why aren't you going to office?" He asks

" I....." I shudder... wait.. what?
Stop being influenced and gotten away  by his questions Byun baekhyun

"Why are you here?" I ask

"Mind if I go in?" He says and about to step into my house but..

"Yes. I mind." I stop him

"Let's talk"

"Look... I don't h..."

He then barges into my house

"Ya!!" *coughs*

"You look sick" he says

I am sick!!
Urgh ... I feel dizzy....

"What's it you want to talk?"

"Who's the one that answer your phone last night? Whoever he's .. break up with him."

"Park chanyeol... are you even listening to what you are saying? You are talking bullshit. You just barge into my house and tell me to break up with whoever I'm with? !

And look...... we don't even stand a chance to talk like we are doing now!"

"How have you been living in this small and shabby house?"

"It's a very bad habit of yours .. looking down on others"

"Are you living with your lover? Which one? New one?"

"Yes new one" a voice comes from the my house entrance ...

"S..Sehun.." I say

He comes in and stands beside me

"Byun Baekhyun... what is this? Why are you with this loanshark?"

He's been always this bossy... asking me what's this.. what's that... what's happening here...

Even tho he's seeing with his two eyes...

"Loanshark? I'm just his lover" Sehun says as he hugs my waist "and he's sick right now. Can you go back?"

"Baekhyun.." Chanyeol calls

"Don't.... don't interfere in me and my boyfriend" I say

"We will see again and talk. Without this loanshark" chanyeol says and left

I'm about to collapse.. as my legs give up..

"Baekhyunee.... come.." he says as he carries me to bed in bridal style..

"Rest well.. I left medicines in the car so, I will go get it" he says and leaves ....

I think my fever is higher than ever.. I want to sleep..........


Chanyeol's POV

'Don't.... don't interfere in me and my boyfriend'

"Fuckkkk" I shout and punch my car with my hand

This can't be happening...
I have been staying beside him all these times and he couldn't accept me as his lover yet!!

That guy.. that lowlife gangster became his lover?

"That must have been hurt" a voice comes out from nowhere

I turn around and...

"Have you been torturing him ? Forcing him to stay with you?? Huh!" I grab him by his shirt

"Me? Forcing him? Torture? Haha... look Mr. Park Chanyeol. I clearly remember your name.

My Baekhyunee has been living off so well the day he left you and whatever he was in.

Everyday he would come back from work without stress and no actual worries to go to work either.

He sleeps well every night and eat well.

Am I forcing him?"

"There is no way he would get together with lowlife as you"

"Plus from my point of view, I think you are the one who's forcing on him Mr. Park Chanyeol ssi"

"What?!!" I raised my voice

"Background checking him and showing up at the door, forcing him to breakup with whoever he's with... I don't think it's a good way of being friend. It's even creepy 

Mr. Park chanyeol ... I heard your fiancé is your company's heir. What a well off way of life huh.

So never appear in front of him again.
Next time you bother him, it will be me who's grabbing on the shirt." He says and removes my hand

"Go back safe Mr. Park chanyeol ... and never back" he says and leaves

Hello everyone!
Here's first update of the day💛💛
Hope you enjoy this!!

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