Part 15

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Mackenzies P.O.V

The next day Jake came to see me and he asked if I wanted to go to the shops with him. Abigail looked at me like say yes and I smiled and said yeah. Jake then went to get ready.

Me and Abigail picked out loads of clothes. In the end we picked out this pink dress with white pumps. I was so excited. It was 12:00 and we left we went into town and had dinner and we then went for a little stroll it was really nice.

Jake asked me a few questions about myself and I asked him questions about him as well, we got to know each other really good, we became really close.
Afterwards we headed back.

Abigail was so excited to find out what we did and if I still liked him, she asked loads of questions. I knew she had kept my secret to herself so I told her.

Jakes P.O.V

I really like Mackenzie she is really funny and pretty I'm so happy that she agreed to go out for the day with me.
Me and Zac were playing pool and he asked what was going on between me and Mackenzie, I told him that I liked her, but I wish I didn't because I don't know if he can keep a secret and I don't know of she likes me back.

End Of Part 15!

Sorry it's really short.

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