Part 20

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Mackenzies P.O.V

We waited and waited finally the 6 hours was up but he still wasn't awake we had to just wait till he woke up...

After about half an hour he started waking up he was in a lot of pain. The doctors got him some medicines to help the pain and that he would be in hospital for the night and that me and Mike could stay if we want so they brought us some stuff in to sleep.


The police came into the room and it was surprising because of how late it was. They wanted to question all of us to find out what had happened and who Abby was. I was worried incase I got in trouble for running away in the first place.

My interview:

So your full name is? He asked

Mackenzie Frances Ziegler, I answered

How do you know Abigail Lee Miller, Madison Nicole Ziegler and Melissa Gisoni?

Abby was my dance teacher and my moms friends, Melissa is my mom and Maddie is my older sister.

How come you aren't living with your family? He questioned

I ran away, I said nervously

And why would you do that?

I didn't like being there they didn't really care for me they just cared about Maddie.

Has Abigail Lee Miller ever be violent or aggressive towards you in any way before?

Y-y-yes, I stuttered anxiously, she has pushed me before and once slapped me and she always shouts at me.

Okay do you know what happened early this evening?

Well I didn't see it cos I was upstairs because Abby had barged in the door and tried to take me so I ran upstairs to hide

Then what happened?

I heard a loud bang and ran down to see Jake lying on the floor holding his arm and there was loads of blood then Maddie grabbed my arm so I pushed her and Abby screamed in my face!
Then Mike rang the Police and ambulance and you came and took her away.

Okay thank you for all your help Miss Mackenzie Ziegler that will be all for know, he ended

Then Mike got interview and then Jake.
I was really nervous of what would happen next but I knew that Abby would get some type of punishment... hopefully!

(So ye I decided to continue my story but I am also starting a new one soon so stay tuned hope you guys are enjoying it don't forget to comment what you think and what you think should happen next and maybe I will use one of your ideas and if I do you will get a shoutout!)

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