Part 13

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Mackenzies P.O.V

I have been walking for miles and I had been walking for 3 hours. It started to get dark, I need to find somewhere to stay. I seen a big house at the end of the street I got closer and seen it was a care home for kids. I decided to go there. I knocked on the door and a bald, tall, skinny man opened the door. He looked shocked, probably cos I am only little. He said "come in, come in".

We walked around the corner and he said " go to my office please, and don't touch anything." Then I walked in and it was really tidy. I could hear him shouting "Dani, Dani come here quickly."

He walked in but there was also a young women ,who was really pretty, walk in. They just looked at me. Then the man said "so who are you"

I said " I am Mackenzie Ziegler"

He said "what are you doing here"

I said "I have ran away, I am not staying at that house and you can not make me go back"

"Ok you can stay here tonight and in the morning we will sort out a social worker for you." He said pointing to the door.

I walked out and there was loads of kids different ages standing there. they all started shouting "Hi what's your name?"

I nervously said "Mackenzie"

Then this really nice girl said "my name is Abigail."

Then the man came out and said "oh I don't think you know my name, my name is Mike and this is Dani"

Then he said "Abigail, Mackenzie will have to share with you."

Abigail said, jumping up and down "that's amazing, how way mackenzie lets go."

I followed her up the stairs and it was a really nice place and everybody seemed really nice. We got to her bedroom and she opened the door and it was huge she had a massive TV and TiVo box ad it was awesome. I said "your room is awesome " and she said "thanks, this will be your bed" she pointed to the big bed in the corner. I was so happy.

Then later we went downstairs and everyone introduced themselves, everybody was really kind.

End Of Part 13!

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