Part 12

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Mackenzies P.O.V

The awards were over and I was on my way back to the dressing room. I couldn't wait to see my mom and Abby.
I ran in smiling and my mom and Abby just ran over to Maddie and hugged her. I went to go hug them and Abby started shouting "Kenzie what on earth was that out there, that was not my choreography."

I said "but you di"

And she interrupted me and said "No shut up kenzie nobody cares what you have to say so just get ready to go."

I walked away slowly, I was really upset I thought she would of been happy that I won, I slumped in my chair and got ready. My mom came over and said "when we get home you will go straight to your room and not come out!" I just looked at her.

30 minutes later....

We were going to the car and Maddie pushed me and I fell flat on my face, my lips was pouring of blood and my leg and arm were bleeding aswell, I started to cry and everyone just carried on walking. We then got in the car and I was sitting there in so much pain, there was blood everywhere. Maddie was sitting there laughing.

We finally arrived home 1 hour later. My mom sent me to my room and I got locked in. I needed to get out I couldn't stay in this house any longer, I tried to brake the door down but that didn't work. I found out that my window was unlocked! I could get out. Packing my bags, I heard someone unlocking the door I had to quickly hide my bags. It was Maddie she came in and said "You need to get a a new life or better get rid if yours." I am sick of her thinking she can say what she wants. She slammed the door and locked it again. I quickly packed more bags and two suitcases my room was completely empty I left no clothes and none of my shoes literally I took everything.

I opened my window and I through my mattress down so I didn't hurt myself. Then I threw all my bags and suitcases down. After I threw them all down I swung on the tree branch near my window and jumped down. I did hurt my ankles a bit but i had to leave.

End Of Part 12!

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