Part 5

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I heard Maddie come in she was with Abby. I heard Abby say "you were much much better than Kenzie". Maddie just started laughing. Then Abby said "did u see all her mistakes and she never listens to my corrections" then Maddie said "I know it was a mess".

I had enough. I burst out crying so loud and then I stormed out and they just laughed. I went to go run outside but then it was time for the awards I had to go back on the stage.

I was sitting next to Maddie and she said to me "you have no chance of winning so don't expect it".

So they read out 4th, 3rd and then 2nd and that was me. I was quite pleased because I was the youngest and if I wasn't against Maddie I could if won. Then no SUPRISE Maddie was 1st. She looked at me and said "ha you loser I told you". Then that was the end of that and we went back to the dressing rooms.

End Of Part 5!

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