Part 10

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Mackenzies P.O.V

Last night I couldn't get out my bedroom window was locked and so was my door! I couldn't escape.

So today is competition day and I had to get ready. Maddie finally unlocked my door and said "we are leaving now hurry up!" So we were in the car, I was singing, and Maddie said "your a rubbish singer but it's probably better than your dancing, haha". I just ignored her.

2 hours later...

We eventually arrived at the competition, Abby said I better have my dance sorted but she doesn't know that I have choreographed my own. I was doing my hair and make-up, my hair was half up half down, curled and messed and my make-up was a black eye and a cut on my face and just the rest as usual. I had a white dress on that was like dirty and ragged. I was so excited, to show off my dance to everybody.

It was my time to go on stage, fret called out my name, I was excited and nervous at the same time. I stepped out and Abby and my mom weren't even watching. So I just ignored it and concentrated on my dance. The music started to play and I danced my heart out, the judges looked so happy. Abby was shocked that I wasn't doing her choreography. I don't care if I get told off, I am used to it now.

My dance was finished and everybody was standing up clapping and cheering for ME! I was so suprised.

Maddies P.O.V

OMG kenzie went out there an dance to her own choreography and not ABBYS! That was such a shock. everybody loved it but it wasn't even amazing. Abby is going to be soo mad.

It was my turn to do my first dance I wasn't nervous I love dancing and I'm amazing at it.

My dance was amazing everybody loved it I got a standing ovation again.

20mins later...

It was time for me to do my 2nd dance. This one is even better than my 1st one. It was a tap dance, I am amazing at tap everybody knows it. So I went out and danced my greatest and once again I got a standing ovation. I was really happy. Me and kenzie aren't competing against each other so I don't know what will happen.

End Of Part 10!

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